Sauske Choice

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Sauske spent most of the night thinking about what Orochimaru said to him. He didn't want to give up on his revenge.  He also didn't want to abandon the village and leave his friends here in the village.  He then went out for a walk to help him think about what choice he should make. while he was walking he suddenly got attacked by four ninja telling him to come with them to lord Yashagoro for more power. The sound four then began charging at Sauske. Sauske then tossed them into the tree. When looked again he saw they were just logs and that the real ninja were behind him.

Before we go another round I should warn you might want to think about it I'm in a real bad mood. Sauske said angry

Oh just shut up all ready I want to play doe -re- mi with your bones. Sakon said

Sauske and Sakon then charged at each other. Sauske trapped Sakon legs with thread wire. Sakon then sent Sauske flying into the tree after shout doe.  Jirbo then punched Sauske really hard. Sauske then began kicking the both of them like crazy. 

I had enough! Sauske shouted

Sakon then grabbed Sauske and was holding him upside down. confuse on why  Lord Yashagoro would want a ninja like Sauske.

If you just keep playing ninja with all your friends here here. you conutine to rot like a vine. Sakon explained

Your acting like a fool you should come with us Lord Yashagoro offers you power. He said there be no point taking you by force. You have to decided. Tayua said

Jirbo then began walking over towards Sakon and Sauske.

This is turning out to be a real pain come on whats it going to be? Are you in are out? Sakon asked

Sakon then tossed Sauske into the wall next to the tree. Sauske then screamed after hitting the wall. 

This runt makes me wait any longer i'm going to wring his little neck. Sakon said

Come and try it! Sauske exclaimed 

the curse mark then began appearing all over Sauske body.

The curse mark it hurts doesn't it? Sakon asked

Sauske then begins to charge at Sakon but he blocks the attack.

Come on you didn't really think you were Lord Yashagoro only pet? Sakon asked showing Sauske his curse mark

One shouldn't use the curse mark so reckless kid. all through doesn't look like you got much of a handle on it do you. If you unleash if for to long the cruse will start to eat away at your body. your in the early stages of it so it shouldn't sink it teeth into to long. Your formal self will be gone never again to return. Sakon  began explained

The cruse mark then started to vanished off Sauske body.

In return for the cruse mark power you will be tether to Lord Yashagoro. You will no longer have any freedom. To gain one thing another must be left behind. what is your purpose in this life? to stay in this backwater village hiding with your little friends. surely haven't forgotten about Itachi Uchiha? Tayua asked

You must've lose sight of  your purpose. Life in this village is little more then bondage for you. Cut all of your ties to this pathetic place. If you can do that there will be no limit to power you can willed.  Sakon said

Remember your purpose! Sakon shouted

The sound four the left once they were done talking to Sauske. Sauske then headed home to conutine thinking about what Orochimaru said, along with went everything the sound four said to him.

Sauske thought " Maybe I should stand in the village and train instead going to Lord Yashagoro guy". "Orochimaru- sensei stay in the village and got stronger". even through he lost his family he didn't choose revenge he chose to become.

After awhile of thinking Sauske decided to take Orochimaru advice and to stay in the village and train to get stronger to kill Itachi instead of leaving village. So he decided to head to Orochimaru house to tell let him know that he was going to take his advice and stay in the village to train.

Once he arrived at Orochimaru house he knocked on the door. After a couple of minutes of waiting Kimimaro anwser the door.

Can I help you? Kimimaro asked

Yeah I came to talk to Orochimaru- sensei.  Sauske said

I think he alseep by now since it the middle of the night but he may still be up reading his book.  Kimimaro said

Sauske shook his head ok and started heading to Orochimaru room. Once he arrived at the door he knocked on the door.

Come in! A female voice said from behind the door

When Sauske open the door and saw that Tsunade was awake, but Orochimaru was sleeping.

Oh it you Sauske Uchiha is there something you need? Tsunade asked

Yeah just came to let Orochimaru-sensei know that I not giveing up revenge.  But I will stay in th village to train also that the guy who gave me the cruse mark sent four of his ninja to attack me and try to convince me to come with them. Sauske explained

I understand I will talk to him about it in the morning once he awake.  Tsunade said

No need I heard everything.  A exhausted voice said

Oh sorry were we talking to loud? Tsunade asked

No I woke up because a headache. Orochimaru replied

Well I leave so you go back sleep . Sauske said

It late why don't stay in the one of the empty rooms. Also I will ask my son to remove the cruse mark.  He knows the hand signs to remove it. Orochimaru said

Ok I will sleep here then for the night then. Sauske said

Orochimaru then summon a small green snake.

How can I help you Lord Orochimaru? The green snake hissed

Nagini I want you check the village and make sure the four ninja that came for Sauske don't come back. Orochimaru command

I understand leave everything to me Lord Orochimaru.  Nagini said

Sauske  then walked out of the room to head to one of the empty room. To go to bed.

Does tou head still hurt? Tsunade asked

Just a little bit not as bad after drinking some water. Orochimaru replied

You were probably just thirsty then. Tsunade stated

Yeah you probably right . Well back to sleep hopefully Nagini can deal those  ninjas without trouble. Orochimaru said

She can she may be small but that is strong I seen her fight before.  Tsunade stated

Tsunade and Orochimaru then fell back to sleep after talking for a while.

Hey lovely readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

So who do you think Sauske will be training with in the village?

Burto will be leaving to train with Jiraiya soon

Who should Namai Uzumaki train with? Should she also leave with Jiraiya or train with someone else?

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think

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