A Choice

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The reader chooses between Adora and Catra on the battlefield.

You've known Adora and Catra from childhood, you weren't as close to them as they were with each other but you hung around them in your free time.
As you all grew up you noticed they started to act weird around you.
Adora would start to stutter whenever you praised her. Her eyes would always dart away from yours.
Catra kept trying to show off to you, and she would pounce on you and start play fighting when you brushed her attempts off.
It got so bad they started to compete for your attention.
When Adora went missing, you and Catra both were blamed.
Catra was chosen to take Adora's promotion and led the charge, but you were assigned to specifically hunt down Adora.
During the battle you found her. You ran to her and violently tackled her in a hug.
"Finally, Catra and I have been SO worried, let's go home."
"(Y/n)..... I..I can't go back.."
"Look around...This isn't right."
She was right. You knew she was right. All you had been doing was taking innocent people to become your prisoner and it had been gnawing at your soul for the entire battle.
Before you could say anything else, one of your tanks broke through a pile of rubble and Adora raced in front of it yelling at it, and the tank stopped as Catra popped out of it.
"Haha, Adora! (y/n) I'd knew you'd find her!"
For a moment everything felt normal. Even though you were surrounded by rubble, Catra's laugh as she tackled her friend, made the battlefield, the screams, all wash away. Just for a moment before Adora told Catra just what she told you minutes before.
You saw Catra's face slowly dissolve into heartbreak as Adora refused to go back.
"Catra, (y/n), you guys have to help me!"
"Catra, maybe she's right...this doesn't feel right.." you piped up, Adora looked at you with a smile as she grabbed your hand with hers.
"The horde has been lying to us, manipulating us, Hordak and Shadow Weaver. ALL OF THEM. But we can fight back the horde together." Adora said clutching your hand as she returned her gaze to Catra
Catra's narrowing gaze had been focused on your hand intertwined with Adora's, as she snapped back "Duh. Don't tell me either of you didn't realize that before."
Both you and Adora were surprised by Catra's retort. She knew?? After all this time?? "It doesn't matter what they do." Catra continued "As long as the three of us watch out for each other, we will end up calling the shots."
Catra's hand rested on Adora's shoulder "cmon guys, let's go home."
You felt Adora's grip tighten around your hand. "I can't go home. Not after what I've seen." You have never seen Catra so speechless before.
Adora reaches out to Catra's hand "come with us."
Wait...Us??? You looked at Catra who was just as surprised at Adora's word choice as you were. Catra's hand reached out past Adora's open hand and snapped to your free one.
"WE are not going anywhere." Catra's grip was hard, a little harder and a finger might've popped off. "You've known these people for what? A couple of days?! What happened to you?!"
You felt Adora tug at your arm. "I don't know but I can't do this not anymore." Adora turned to you "(y/n) you know this is wrong. Come with me."
You found yourself at a loss of words. Sure you didn't feel right about the assault but you can't seriously be considering ditching your friends, your FAMILY, for the insurgents. Can you?
You felt Adora's tight loosen as she realizes what your silence could mean. Her eyes sadden.
Out of the blue Catra yanks you from her grip as she Electrocutes Adora.
"Wh-What the fuck Catra?" You yell turning to face the cat-like commander.
"She's delusional (y/n). We need to get back to the fright zone." Catra had a point, who knows what the rebels have done to her. "Now help me carry her."
"W-why..." Adora manages to get out, tears beginning to fill her eyes. Your heart drops at the sight.
Before you could do anything, you get flung to the side by a magic blast into the tank.
"(Y/N)!!" Voices yell. You can't tell who it was, maybe both. All you know is that your head HURTS.
When you finally get yourself together you see Catra surrounding some dark-skinned rebel and his horse with more troops as you lift yourself up and join her.
"(y/n)! I'm SO glad you're ok!" she rushes to your side to help you stand.
"I...can not believe... I let a sparkle blast knock me out..." you mumble in pain. Catra giggles.
"This is why you never beat me or Adora in combat." She continues her giggling fit.
"Brag later." You plead as her giggling dies down. "But...where is Adora." Her smile falters.
Before she answered, She-Ra appeared, and in a flash, your forces were gone.
In one fell swoop, the assault was defeated... She-Ra collapsed and shrunk? It revealed a bruised Adora...
Catra sunk back but you stayed your ground. Your eyes making contact. She reached up to you with her hand tears flowing down her face and you could barely make out any words from her moving lips.
"(y/n)....please..." was all you could hear. You were about to run to her when you felt someone grab your hand.
You looked back at Catra, her eyes angry, refusing to break contact from the ground but the hot tears streaking down her face "don't.." she could barely get out "don't leave me too"
You gave Adora another look, as her allies clutch her but her eyes never leaving yours, and you made your choice.
You turned back to Catra, gripping her hand and you hugged her. Whispering "let's go home Catra"
As you both grabbed the nearest vehicle and retreated. Your hands never parted. You looked at your silently suffering captain and vowed never to leave her side.

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