Hurt (Adora x Reader)

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Ayo where the heck did y'all come from.

I leave for.. like.. almost a year and y'all just come out of nowhere.

And you have the AUDACITY. NOT TO GIVE RECOMMENDATIONS. Well I did get one but I forgot about it.

I woke up and saw that I had gotten a request on tumblr for an adora x reader one and so I pulled one together in around.. 30 minutes.

Am I back? Who knows at this point I'm just... procrastinating to avoid doing my 4 projects due before finals. Haha. Anyways, hope you enjoy the read, It's messy but hey who cares amirite.

Now praise me and give me validation and maybe I'll give you some Catra x Reader in less than 3 months.

Still a catra simp.

(season 4, specifically after Mer-mysteries)

Silver lining of being in a makeshift hospital room bleeding out in bed is that you can talk to yourself without being seen as crazy. It was always a hobby of yours that everyone around you did not really get used to. But at this point, who cares what they think. You're dying! You're allowed to do this! Of course, as your squad members fiddled with the life-threatening gash delivered unto you by the nefarious horde and their stupidly advanced technology, they were not listening to your rambling mumbles that weakly left your mouth.

In retrospect, you should have listened to your partner when she told you that you shouldn't have gone on that mission to Salineas to escort those supplies back to Bright Moon, as the Horde was being extra aggressive. You dismissed it as her paranoia since nothing was going well, and gave her a quick kiss goodbye. You were wrong. You were dead wrong; But, to be fair, no one saw Hordak's new weapon coming. You were lucky it only grazed you. Well grazed is.. being nice. I mean it still FEELS like you have your left arm. They said it's 'Phantom Arm Syndrome' but you're banking on it being a hallucination. Please be a hallucination.

"We're losing them!"

Wait what? You're awake as hell. Well, your eyebrows are heavy and you want to take a nap, but like.. that's good isn't it?

"Keep applying pressure to the wound!"

"We have to cauterize it!!"

They have to what.

"We can't we have no anaesthetics!"

They what.

"We have no choice!!"


"Captain (L/N)... chew on this..." the medic puts a folded over belts in your mouth.

Oh my god.


But your muffled pleas are unheard as the searing pain hosts the base of your left arm.. or where your left arm now ends. Your pleas shortly turn to screams as your skin is seared shut keeping the blood inside. But sending you into shock. Your eyes finally shut as the pain is too much for your consciousness to bear and you black out.


You don't really have a main thought when you open your eyes the next time. Everything is blurry and you haven't had time to adjust to this new change of scenery. It took a while to even..think properly at first. Remembering what happened one step at a time.

You remember the salt on the air, the shimmering walls of the Sea Gate. Overseeing your soldiers load the supplies into the boat as you exchange pleasantries with the Salinean Peasantry and Military alike. There was a crowd, all seem to be expecting the legendary She-Ra. You were definitely going to tell your beloved what they looked like when they heard that it was She-Ra's partner that showed up instead of She-Ra herself.

The peasantry and majority of the military dispersed quickly, save for the high ranks who you were saving crucial information for. Alas, that's when the boats first arrived. No scouts reported the arrival, none could. The horde was ruthless. Whatever they had done, the sea gate stood no chance and after that.. before you knew it you were the highest ranking officer. And just as soon as that happened you met Hordak. Of course your master plan to destroy him once and for all, was foiled, you got a couple of ships but once he turned to you it took seconds for you to go armless. God if you only weren't rated TV-Y7 you would TOTALLY rip him to shreds verbally.


Just as soon as you wake you hear more chatter come from the blurry blackness. Obviously you're gonna open your eyes just do that later. You want to hear what they're saying about you.

What? Don't look at you like that! you like attention.

ITS NORMAL! STOP JUDGING YOURSELF! To be fair I would do the same thing if I were you.

Anyways. You hear your beloved Adora's voice.

"-ow could they be such an idiot..." oh someone is in trouble! Spicy. "God when (y/n) wakes up..." Oh it's you. You can hear her teary tone..

"Maybe we should leave her be.." The distinct voice of Bow carefully crept across the room.

What you could possibly fathom as a look of sad understanding between your friend and ruler Glitter and Bow, and probably some others, probably took place as the shuffling of feet left the room accentuated with flapping of tents.

You open your heavy eyes, ripe with soreness, pain, and general misery. However seeing her again makes things okay. Even if she was slumped over, her hair a fizzled mess, and her head buried deep into her palms. You could only smile hopelessly. She was a mess. But she was your mess. And even though you probably looked really evil smiling and your distraught partner, you still couldn't help but feel so.. glad to see her again. You didn't know if you were going to. You open your mouth, hopefully to lighten the mood with some funny quirk but as soon as you spook the first syllable you start to cough violently.

Your throat was shot. It sure grabbed her attention though, as she shot up from her human burial hands and stared at your now wheezing form. "...(y/n)..." as your coughs died you gave a hesitant smile. Bring in the love please you have gone through a lot.

But of course her eyebrows furrowed and her expression darkened as her surprise turned to anger and she began to shout. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO!! I TOLD YOU THE HORDE WAS GETTING FAR TOO AGGR-" Ah the joys of marital bliss. "ESSIVE, YOU DUMMY, YOU IDIOT, YOU..." she just collapses into you.

Ignoring the pain of her laying on your sore body and...burnt stump. You were just glad to be home. And what more could anyone ask?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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