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Catra x Reader

The last time you saw her, she and Adora were about to graduate from the academy, they were prime candidates for Force Captain, but you knew Shadow Weaver played favorites. Catra wouldn't graduate just yet and Adora would get Force Captain this time. You weren't worried though, you knew Catra better than anyone. She has told you things that even Adora wouldn't know. You were sure she would graduate and be Force Captain soon enough, just like you.

You were their senior by a year and graduated as well not too long before that, but you were already known for your tactical brilliance on the field. In fact, you were one of the few recruits that gained the title of Force Captain upon graduation. Just like Adora, you were one of Shadow Weaver's favorites. You may not have been as adored as Adora, but Shadow Weaver expected great things from you.

Speaking of Adora, you may have been separated during training, but you were an idol for her. The first time she saw you was during a small brawl in the mess hall. She watched you single-handedly stop the fight by incapacitating both brawlers with a single strike. You were only 15 at the time but since then she had been your biggest fan.

She would actually come to you for advice and personal training during your free time. It was cute, you felt like you had a little sister. So of course, you obliged. It had pleased Shadow Weaver as well, which was good for you.

After a week or two of training, Adora's visits increased, you had trained with her almost 4 hours per day, every day. You didn't really have any complaints. Well, you had one. This catgirl kept giving you a death glare from afar. Anytime you would look at her she'd dart away, but you always knew she was there.

This continued on for a month. Everyday Adora would run up to you, staff in hand and notebook in the other, and you would train with her. And every day you could feel the eyes of the watcher from afar, never leaving you for a moment. It annoyed you so much. You finally snapped and confronted the observer during one of your training sessions.

"Ok, enough with the watching!" You commanded. "Come. Out. NOW."

Adora looked confused and a little scared. You didn't blame her, you have never needed to raise your voice at her before. But she realized who you were talking to when The cat girl with two different eye colors stepped out of the shadows.

"Catra? What are you doing here?" Your sort of student asked Catra.

"I dunno..." she lied "I was bored and figured I would watch (r/n) kick your butt again." That was not your name, that wasn't even close. She had been watching you for weeks, how did she not know your name by now?

You let it bother you for too long, you stopped zoning out to give your attention back to the two friends' conversation.

"It's (y/n) not (r/n). And I've beat (y/n) before" Adora countered. She has actually beat you. Barely, besides you were going easy on her. Does this Catra just not pay attention?

"If you've beat your 'mentor'" she put air quotes around the word mentor. You tried not to look annoyed. "Then why are you still here? Let's go do something else."

"Well, I still want to train with (y/n). Doing that will help me get better." She replied.

"Well, you can train with me! You don't need this slowpoke." Oh, THAT's what this is about.

"But...." Please word this carefully. "(y/n) can actually beat me." Catra's ears fold back, and you have the increasing urge to bury your face in your palms.

Catra's hurt, and Adora has no idea why. "Oh...I see" she pauses

Now would be a good time to step in. "Ok, ok" the two girls look at you "How about me and Catra duel, and, Catra, If You win, Adora trains with you. However, if I win, you join Adora and train with me. How does that sound?" You reason.

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