9 | Heartbeats

180 11 3

As always, cursive font represents Korean in the following dialogues ~


"Kim Namjoon!" exclaimed his hyung from the other side of the line "What the hell is going on? Why are you and Jungkook in Y/C? "

Both the leader and the maknae were following Robin through the streets of the city in hopes to find you before it was too late. Unlike you, Namjoon was well covered with a face mask and a hat but even like that he inevitably earned a few glances from some people.

The moment they saw you getting out of the apartment they started looking for you everywhere. Robin tried to call you but they noticed you left your phone at home, which did nothing but help to increase the stress level of Namjoon, who was now dealing with the explanations he owed to the rest of the boys.

"Hobi, please" he answered "I know you guys must be confused right now but I'm in the middle of something so I can't really talk" he was walking behind Robin with his hand tugging Jungkook's as the younger had trouble to keep the pace due to the short height of your body in comparison to theirs "Ask Jin, he will explain to you a little, but everything's fine, trust me"

"Oh really? Then why am I seeing pictures of Jungkook all over the internet on pajamas, lost and alone in a foreign country?"

If it could get worse, it would.

"Shit" murmured the leader, he wasn't expecting this to get on the internet so quickly. It had only passed less than an hour since they started looking for you "Listen, I'll call you back okay? I need to go now but everything's fine, don't worry!" He lied.

He didn't want to worry the rest of the members, he knew if he let the others know how lost he actually was that could lead to chaos. Namjoon was the main pillar of stability they all had, he couldn't allow himself to break apart in front of anybody.

He didn't give Hoseok time to answer when he hung up the call in order to avoid giving more explanations and searched for Jungkook on his phone to see the pictures and show them to Robin. Maybe if she was able to recognize the location of any of those pictures they would know where to look for you. But the moment he opened the first article he found about the matter, little drops began to fall over the screen, making it impossible for him to continue using the device properly.  

"You have to be kidding me" he said to himself when he hung his head back and faced the light drizzle that was suddenly falling from the sky, covering his skin and clothes so quickly that in a matter of seconds he could feel drops running down his puffy cheeks already.

It was tiring, he was tired. Namjoon was trying his best not to be the center of attention because he knew he wasn't, he shouldn't be, but it could be exhausting to be the shoulder for everyone to lean on. All he needed was a moment for him, a few minutes or maybe just seconds only for himself so with his eyes closed, he inhaled deeply and let his head drop with a sigh. If he couldn't control the situation, at least he could try and take control of the mess he had on his mind.

"Hey," someone tugged the sleeve of his now wet sweater "Namjoon" he opened his eyes slowly and met with a pair of brown ones looking at him with concern "Are you okay?" Robin asked, but he wasn't able to articulate a word without tears coming out so he limit himself to shake his head and let his shoulders drop in defeat.

Your friend wasn't expecting such honest response from the boy. She knew Namjoon wasn't alright, none of you were, but to admit it out loud was different.

"Uhm...we should move" she said. A trace of fear hidden in the quiver of her voice as she tried to appear as calm and collected as possible.

No one asked Robin how she was either. You just showed up in a different body and in company of an idol all of a sudden, explaining in the clearest possible way that none of this craziness was made up and expected her to believe it right away. And she definitely did, but only because of the fact that every time she looked into your actual eyes she couldn't see her best friend there and that was terrifying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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