Chapter Three: Confessions

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Chelsea's P.O.V.

Three fifty-two. I came across the numbers on a door close to the end of the hallway. I looked around to see if anyone was in the hallway with me. No one. I sighed and knocked on the door.

There was no answer. I closed my eyes and opened the door. I walked in to see Connor, fast asleep on the hospital bed. He actually looked kind of cute when he's not skanking up the place.

I went and sat by him. Should I wake him up? I need answers, but he looks so peaceful sleeping. He might get pissed if I wake him up. Maybe I shouldn't. As I thought about this, I drifted off without even realizing it.

I opened my eyes slowly to a smiling Connor. Not a smirk, but an actual smile. It looked good on him. Why do I keep thinking this? He makes my life a living hell. I hate him for it everyday.

"I see you came to visit me b-" he started, but getting a confidence boost I never knew I had, I cut him off.

"Can it Franta. Why'd you have the hospital call me. Why not your mom or dad?" I asked, genuinely confused.

He looked shocked. It was obvious he didn't know what to say. Quickly, it was like something snapped; he became angry.

"Listen here you little bitch!" He yelled. "Not everyone can be lucky enough to have their mom and dad or a sibling to go and talk to!"

My temper grew as he continued yelling about stuff that I didn't even ask. I cut him off again. "Incase you haven't noticed I live with my mom. She's the only one I live with! She can barely take care if herself. She's a drug addict. She's really trying to help herself but she can't. And she is all I have! If she leaves I am all alone!

Connors face softened. I just proved him wrong. He looked down and sniffled. He was actually sad.

"I-I'm sorry." He spoke. "I live with my grandma. She's pretty old and can't really take care of herself either. I do have an older brother, an older sister and one younger brother, but they all hate me. They all convinced my mom and dad to make me come live with my grandma. My own siblings..."

I frowned at this. Connor looked so vulnerable. I stood up and walked over to the hospital bed. I sat next to him and grabbed his hand. I was very reluctant. I was still nervous to be around him.

"Don't be sorry Connor. I should be sorry. I was just confused as to why you had called me. You shouldn't had been obligated to tell me that." I told him, looking into his eyes.

He was looking right back at me. I took the opportunity to ask why he was in here.

"Connor? Why are you in here?" I asked cautiously. I looked away just in case he got angry again.

"That's nothing important. It was something with my blood. It was too high or something and I fainted." He muttered. He didn't sound too sure of himself. Was he lying?

I brushed it off and looked back into his eyes. He was still looking at me. He took a quick glance at my lips, thinking I wasn't going to see him. I did and oh god. He slowly started leaning in. Quickly, I shot up from out of the bed.

"I have to go. I'll see you at school on Monday. Feel better." I said before walking out.

That was a close one. But I'm not sure i wanted to move. I think I wanted Connor to kiss me. But what the hell, why? Like I said before he's made my life a living hell and I wanted him to kiss me. I need to talk to someone a out this.

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