Chapter Thirteen: Old Faces

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Connor's P.O.V.

I can't remember a time when I was completely and utterly happy. I don't think I can get that feeling again now.

As I walked into the hospital doors, I a couple of people immediately caught my eye. I put my hood up and went up to the front desk. The lady looked at me and asked in a soft voice, "Can I help you, sir?"

"Um, y-yes. I'm looking for a-a Maggie Franta?" I stuttered awkwardly, making sure to keep my voice down.

"Ah, yes. She has a lot of visitors. You can go sit down with the rest of-" I cut her off.

"Please don't make me sit with them. Please." My voice broke as I almost burst into tears.

The woman had a sorrowful look on her face as she told me where Grams room was. I thanked her before quickly heading out to find the only one I dare to call my family.


Unknown's P.O.V.

I sat in the corner, silently, as Connor got his special treatment to go see his grandmother. He doesn't even know the half of what happened and he never will. I'm going to make sure that old bat does before he does.

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