Four. Xie Hua

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Known by everyone to be wherever the chaos is. Yet he refuses to forget everything he had experienced in his life. Bichen lives up to its name. Yet, it is hard to avoid the madness of love, hate, right, and the wrongs of this world. Sounds of zither echoes in Jingshi playing a song of inquiry but answered by no soul.

Lan Wangji shook his head as he tried to drown the persistent voice deep in his head that drove him sleepless in most nights. Occasionally, he would get far descriptive scenes playing in his head than this, whether deliberately or not. Sometimes he regretted having to learn about the ancestor he shared a name with because sometimes it felt like he shared more than just the name.

Perhaps his past too?

Wriggling on the couch, he tried to will away those thoughts before more of them cloud his head – what to do with these thoughts after midnight.

Just after midnight, and here he is sprawled on the couch in the empty and quiet central chamber of the Yanli Dormitory. He needed to get out of his room as sleeping was once again an impossible feat. Sometimes, changing scenery works.

Slowly, his eyes finally weighed heavily to a close. Sleep eventually came.

A shrill scream.

Lan Wangji jolted awake as the ringing of the scream echoed in all corners of the hollowed chamber. Past his dreary state, he miraculously recognized two voices as he perked his head up towards the dorm's kitchen where the scream originated.

Although he could not see the kitchen from the couch he is in, he is within earshot.

"P-Professor Wei?"

Lan Jingyi. Lan Wangji recognised the voice, the other is, well, obvious. It's their new History teacher, Professor Wei Wuxian.

"What are you doing up awake at this time?"

Precisely what I want to ask both of you. Lan Wangji thought as he heard the teacher asked.

"I don't know."

"I thought Lan Clan has a strict nine-to-five sleep routine?"

Lan Wangji found himself nodding, impressed that the new naïve teacher already knew this Lan Clan infamous fact. Well, to some, that is. What would the clan thinks if the honorable straight A's of this generation, Hanguang-jun, Lan Wangji, could not even follow this most straightforward rule?

"I have a case of sleep-walking... sometimes I get hungry in my sleep, and then I find myself here, and I don't know how I got here."

Lies. Lan Wangji rolled his eyes. But it seemed like Wei Wuxian bought it as he sounded like he relaxed, pulling a chair with the way it made noises against the marble floors.

Wangxian - Retrouvaille  Book II (Sequel to Unrestrained)Where stories live. Discover now