Oh uh. Hi-hey.

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Cassie P.O.V

"Cassie, you better start packing now, we're leaving early in the morning!" Liam warns me, peeking his head through my door frame to find me lounging on my bed on my computer.

Okay I know these things are boring but if you're going to read this story, you might as well learn some things about me. My name is Cassie Payne. Yep, you guessed right. I'm Liam Payne's younger sister. I'm seventeen years old and I just graduated high school. Literally, I just graduated not even twenty four hours ago. I currently work at a small coffee shop that's not really noticeable and if we get lucky sometimes, we get at least ten costumers a day! Ten!! By the way, I was being sarcastic about the 'Ten!!' part haha.

Anyway, right now is the night before Liam goes on his world tour with the rest of his band and their opening act. Well Liam and I go on a world tour with the rest of his band and their opening act. That's right, I'm going on a world tour with my brother and eight other boys.

You may be thinking why. Well, long story short, I'm not going to go into detail with everything but, on Liam's last tour, so many things went wrong, my parents got worried I guess so they told Liam to bring me on tour with him this year. Since this tour is longer and I no longer have school, they thought it would be better for me to tour the world with him. He wasn't very happy at the decision but there's nothing he can really do to make my parents change their mind.

Yeah, Liam and I are really close but I don't think a whole world tour would be good for us. I mean, being stuck on a bus with your older brother and his four best friends might not work out good. I have no problems with Louis,Harry,Zayn, or Niall, but if Liam and I have share a tour bus together we might as well go crazy.

"Alright." I simply answer, closing my laptop and getting up to pack. I hear him mutter something under his breath before closing my door. I just roll my eyes.

About two and a half hours pass and I'm just finishing packing my other suitcase. I put my laptop on top all of my clothes along with my phone charger. Once I'm done packing, I change into my pajamas and hop in to bed.

Liam P.O.V

I wake up to my alarm clock going off. It's 4:30 in the morning and Cassie and I have to be at the airport for 5:00. It doesn't really take long to get to the airport so we should have time to get ready. We told our parents and sisters bye already so all we have to do is basically just get up and leave.

I go into Cassie's room to see her sleeping peacefully.
"Cas." I shake her softly. She doesn't even move.
"Cassie." I shake her again. She furrows her eyebrows and lets out a small groan.

"C'mon, we have to go." I state.
"What time is it?" She mumbles, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Four thirty."
"Ugh. Why so early?" She yawns.
"Because, now come on." I answer and go out to get ready.

Once I'm done brushing my teeth and getting dressed I get my bags and bring them to the front door.
"Come on, Cassie." I whisper from downstairs, but loud enough for her to hear. I see her stumbling down the stairs with a heavy suitcase in her hands.

"I got it, go get your other bags." I mumble, taking the suitcase out of her grasp. I see her come stumbling back with three other bags.
"Oh come on Cassie." I groan.
"What? They're heavy." She tells me.

Once all our bags are packed we get in the car and start making our way to the airport.

Cassie P.O.V

"Which way do we have to go?" I ask Liam while getting out of his car to go get my bags.

"Right." He answers, taking all of his heavy bags in hand.
I grab my bags and slowly make my way to the side of the airport Liam told me.

"Other way Cas." He answers, walking in the opposite direction.
"I thought you said right."
"I did." He simply says. I follow behind him in the empty airport.

"This way Cassie." He says as he goes the opposite way I was starting to head to again.
"Right." I answer, turning back around to follow him.

"Wrong way again, Cassie." He groans, going in the other way as me.
I let out a groan and decide to just stick right behind him. I really can't think right now.

When we make our way up the escalator, I see Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Niall sitting on the uncomfortable looking chairs while on their phones.

"Where's the other boys?" Liam asks and all their heads shoot up at his voice.
"Cassie, hey!" Louis gets out of his chair to give me a big hug, ignoring Liam's question.

I've always had a crush on Louis but never really told him. I'm the closest with him than I am to the other boys. He's literally like my second older brother. Well they all are to me, but still. Me and him always joke around with each other and well, I don't know. Haha.

"Ashton said they're almost here." Zayn answers.
"Cassie, why are you here?" Harry asks me.
"I have to babysit her. She's going to be with us for the whole tour." Liam answers for me.

"You don't have to 'babysit' me." I tell him.
"Yay! Cassie is coming on tour with us!" Niall cheers.
"Wait, so who are we waiting for again?" I ask, sitting in the empty seat next to Harry.

"Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael. They're our opening act. Five Seconds Of Summer." Louis answers me.
"Oh." I nod.

"We're here everybody, we're here!" A boy with bright green hair shouts with a big yawn, making his was to all of us with three other boys following behind him. Well, that must be them.

"Look, a girl!" The one with dark brown hair points at me.
"Hey beautiful. The name's Calum. You are?" He smiles once he gets closer to me. Uhhh..
Liam clears his throat before saying, "My sister."

"Oh, sorry." Calum mumbles, taking a few steps back.
"Boys, this is Cassie. Cassie, this is Calum, this is Michael, Luke, and Ashton." Liam points to the four of them.

"Hi." I smile at all of them.
"Nice to meet you, Cassie." Michael smiles back with a friendly wave.
"Hey Cassie." Ashton says with a friendly smile as well.
"Cassie." Calum nods.

"Luke, are you going to tell her anything?" He waves his hand in front of the blonde's face after a few seconds of silence.
"Oh uh, hi-hey." He says with a wave and a shy smile.

Luke P.O.V

"Oh uh, hi-hey." Shit I probably just sounded stupid right now.
"Hey." She smiles back. She was absolutely breath taking, okay? She didn't even have any make up on.

All she had on was some black leggings, a plain grey crop top with some of her stomach showing, but not a lot, and a pair of white converse with her hair tied into a high ponytail. She looked perfect without even trying.

"Luke? Earth to Luke? Did you even hear me?" Liam snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Oh uh what?" I ask.

"Cassie went to the bathroom real quick, so I'm going to tell you this while she's gone. She is going to be with us for the whole tour, so don't try anything with her. I don't care if you and her become close friends but just nothing more. I've seen her get hurt plenty of times because of a guy she easily fell for and I don't want to see her like that on this tour." He warns.

"Got it." I nod.
"Alright, I'm back." Cassie comes back to where we were all sitting.
"Let's go!" Niall shouts and we all start to head to the private jet that's waiting for us outside.

If the chapters are seeming short, I make them on my phone so sorry if you feel that they're too short : (

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