The Mall.

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Cassie P.O.V

"Am I sharing a room with you? Or?" My voice trails off as I ask Liam. We just arrived at the hotel and there were a whole bunch of fans waiting for the boys and when they all saw me, they started asking a lot of questions as to why I'm with them. I didn't really know what to say so I just waved and smiled. Sounds stupid, I know.

"Well, we have a whole floor to ourselves so I guess you can have your own room, you just have to let Paul know." He tells me.
"How big are the rooms?" I ask, not wanting to have a whole suit to myself.

"Well they're suits, so they're pretty big." He answers.
"I'll just share a room then."
"Okay, well then you can share with me and Zayn."
"Alright." I answer as we wait in the waiting room with security surrounding us.

"Alright, Cassie are you having your own room or are you sharing?" Paul asks me.
"Okay." He answers and goes to get the room keys and quickly comes back.

Once we're all settled in, Liam tells Zayn and I he'll be right back, leaving just the two of us.
"Zayn, what did Niall and Calum say about me?" I ask as soon as Liam closes the door. I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about this.

"I can't say." He answers. I scoot closer to him but not too close.
"Please." I tell him. He just shakes his head no.
"What ever." I groan and exit the room. As soon as I walk out, I feel a hard surface and I look up to see that I ran into Luke.

"Oh, hey Luke." I smile.
"Hey, uh. I just wanted to know if you uh. Wanted to go somewhere with me..L-Like the mall or something." He says the last sentence fast.

"Sure," I answer. "Let me go get my bag real quick." I then turn around and walk in the room looking for my bag.
"Hey Zayn, have you seen my bag with the stripes on it?" I ask.
"Is that it?" He points to it in the corner by my bed. Of course it would be over there.

"Yeah, thanks," I grab it and start to walk out. "Oh and when Liam comes back tell him I went to the mall with Luke." I answer and shut the door.

Luke P.O.V

"Do you know where the mall is?" Cassie asks me as we get in the elevator.
"Well no, but I called a taxi and it should be here in about a minute or two." I tell her. Once we reach outside, there are still fans waiting but lucky for us, the taxi was already parked and ready to go so Cassie and I just quickly got in and took off to the mall with the fans' screams growing lower and lower.

It took about ten minutes to get to the mall and after I paid the driver we walked in side by side.
"Are you hungry?" I ask her, noticing the food court not too long away.

"No, I ate on the bus," She answered. "But if you're hungry then we can still get something to eat, I'll just get a drink."
"No, it's alright. Where do you wanna go first?"

"Um..How about-" She stops talking once she notices me look up from my shoes with panic on my face.

Shit, we've been spotted. I see a group of about five girls fast walking towards us while we keep on going no where in particular taking pictures and talking on their phones like they're calling their friends or something. Before we knew it, the whole mall started to swarm with fans and it looked like how it did outside of the hotel where you couldn't even see any of the ground. They were all now running towards us and I just took Cassie's hand and ran to the nearest shop, which happened to be a store that I caught a glance of with the name Hot Topic.

Once we got inside, the workers noticed the screams getting louder and one of them must have noticed who I was because she immediately looked at me with wide eyes and ran to the doors and locked them, leaving the other three costumers inside with us.

"Thank you so much!" Cassie thanked her with a big smile.
"I-it's no problem." She smiled back. I turn around to see fans taking pictures, pounding on the glass doors, and most of all, screaming their lungs out. When I turn back around, I notice that Cassie went over to look at the tee shirts on sale.

"They're buy two, get one free." The girl answers, noticing Cassie pick up a 1975 tee shirt.
"Alright, thanks." She tells her, keeping her glance on the shirt.

"How much is it?" I ask, coming from behind her.
"It is.." Cassie looks for the tag. "Seven eighty nine." She folds it up and puts it back on the shelf.

"You don't want it?" I ask, looking over to the other shirts on sale.
"I'll just keep looking around, I might get it later." She tells me, going over by a pair of black biker shorts.

"Excuse me, how long am I supposed to stay in here? I have to go hurry off to my grand daughter's birthday party in five minutes and I can't be late." An old lady asks the girl behind the counter, looking slightly annoyed but you could tell on the inside she was pretty pissed.
I saw in her hand a white wrist band that said 'Five Seconds Of Summer' written around it. They have our merch here?? I didn't even see it anywhere.

"I'm sorry miss, all of this should be clear in about ten to fifteen minutes." Cassie tells her with guilt written all over her face. The other costumers just groan and go back to looking.

"Ten to fifteen minutes?! Are you crazy-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Ma'am, your grand daughter likes that band?" I suddenly ask, pointing to the wristband. She looks down at the bracelet and looks back at me.
"Well if she didn't, I wouldn't be getting it." She snaps, still a tone of annoyance in her voice. Well excuse me..

"If you're late, tell her Luke Hemmings is extremely sorry for holding you up and that I wish her and very happy birthday." I tell her, hoping she'll then realize who I am.

"Wait, you're the boy she always talks about? Luke Hemrings?" She asks me, searching my face.
"Hemmi-" I try to correct my last name but she cuts me off.

"Can I have a picture with you because if I do tell her, knowing her, she won't believe me." She asks, a little calmer while holding out her flip phone.
"Sure." I smile and Cassie comes over to the lady and takes her phone in her hand so we could take a picture together.

"Here you go." She hands the lady her phone back after the picture and she thanks Cassie.

"It's no problem." Cassie answers back with a friendly smile.

About fifteen minutes pass and the security guards show up by the doors, trying to make a path way through the fans. Cassie and I are just paying for our stuff now and when the girl behind the counter hands me my receipt, she decides to ask me a question.

"I know you guys have to go now but is it okay if I take a picture with the two of you?" She asks politely. Cassie looks at me to see if I'm okay with it and I nod.

"Thank you so much." She tells the two of us, putting her phone away after we take a picture.

"Come on guys." I hear Paul say over the screams.
Cassie and I grab our bags and leave.

When we finally get to the hotel rooms she decides to visit the one Calum and I are sharing after she puts her new stuff up in her room.

"Hey Calum." She greets him with a friendly wave and smile as she walks in.
"Hey Cassie." He waves back. I suddenly feel my phone vibrate from the pocket in my jeans and I notice Cassie doing the same thing.

I take it out to see that I have a twitter mention with the caption saying "it's now official that this day has been the best day ever. I love you two so much! @Luke5SOS @Cassay_Payne" I notice Cassie smile from the corner of my eye and I go to favorite and retweet the tweet along with a follow.

"Luke, Calum do you guys want to-Cassie! There you are! I didn't know where you were and I was starting to miss my little Cass-Cass!" Louis startles us all and runs over to her. He then grabs Cassie's cheeks and kisses both of them. She just laughs and he puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer to him. What?? Am I missing something? Wait. I'm confused.

"Did we want to what?" Calum asks, looking as confused as I am.
"Oh, I was just going to see if you guys wanted to come play truth or dare with everyone else."

"Sure." I answer and we all head across the hall to his, Niall's and Harry's room.

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