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Cassie P.O.V

"Morning,Cassie." I get startled by Harry coming from behind me. I was just standing out on the balcony they had right outside the suite, enjoying the beautiful view. It is about ten thirty in the morning and it seems like everyone is up.

"Good morning, Harry. Why are you out here and not in your suite with Niall?" I ask, turing around to face him.

"I know who you like, Cassie." He ignores my question. Shit shit shit shit shit.
"N-no you don't." I stutter.
"It's pretty obvious,Cass." He shrugs.

"If it's so obvious then who do I like?" I cross my arms. I already know what he's going to say. He's going to say Louis and that he knew it all along. I just know it.

"Louis," I told you so. "Yesterday morning when you and him were on the sofa together and talking and you said 'Yeah. Just friends.' the way you did, like you wanted to be more, just made me know for sure you liked him. I knew before, but I just wasn't positive." He finishes.

"What do you mean you knew before?" I ask, confused.
"It's pretty obvious the way you two act around each other, I'm surprised Liam hasn't caught on yet." He tells me.
Wait, is he saying Louis might like me back?? Oh my God. Oh my God.

"You're saying that you think he likes me too?" I question.
"Well last night he said-" He suddenly cuts himself off by putting his hand over his mouth and staring at me with wide eyes.
"He said what?" What the hell did he say??

"You admit you like him, right?" He lowers his hands from his mouth.
"Fine. Yes. Now just tell me what he said!" I raise my voice a little, now getting impatient.

"He said he doesn't like you like that," Oh. I should of knew it. "B-but I don't know if he was telling the truth or not because Liam asked him." He says the last part faster.

"Oh." Is all I can really say.
"I'm sorry, Cass." He pulls me into a tight hug.
"It's okay. I mean I'm so stupid for actually thinking he might of actually liked me back." I say softly into his neck.
"And he might. He might of just told Liam that he doesn't like you like that even though he might." He pulls away and looks right in my eyes.

"I doubt it." I mumble, looking down at my shoes.
"I can always go talk to him and see if he really does. He'll tell me the truth, I know he will." He smiles, trying to cheer me up.

"What if he really doesn't, Harry?" I ask, my lip starting to tremble.
"If he doesn't, there's someone out there who does, you just don't know it yet. Who knows, you might already know him," He shrugs with a small smile. "Dry those tears up and let me go talk to Louis, yeah?" He wipes away the tears slowly dripping down my face. I nod and give him one last hug.

Luke P.O.V

"Oh oh oh oh!!" Michael shouts, fiddling with the buttons on his x-box controller.
"No!" I shout, passing the finish line right behind him.
"I want a rematch, Clifford." I tell him, looking through the other characters they had on the screen.
"It's not like you're gonna win." He smirks and presses Yoshi.

"I was gonna pick him!" I whine.
"Just pick Mario." He tells me, sipping some of his drink. I do what he told me to do and the race starts to countdown from three. As soon as the countdown is over, I jam my finger on the x button and suddenly pass Michael.

"Cheater." He simply says, trying to throw a shell at my character but misses.
"Ha ha." I say sarcastically.

"Hey, have you guys seen Louis?" Harry interrupts us, walking in and sitting on the sofa next to me.
"He went to the bathroom real quick, why?" Michael asks, eyes glued on the screen.

"I have to ask him something.," He says. As on cue, Louis walks out and Harry stands up.
"Louis, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" Louis asks.
"Well I was just going to ask you, since you know Cassie better than any of us do, besides Liam, what shirt do you think she would like better on me? I was thinking of asking her on a date tonight and I want it to go perfect." Harry holds up two different shirts.

Wait, he likes her?? He can't ask her on a date! I may be sounding selfish but he can't go out with her! Michael pauses the game and we're both now listening to their conversation, he nudges my arm with his elbow and gives me a confused look. I shrug, looking confused also and turn my focus back on Harry and Louis.

"You're asking her out on a date? I didn't know you liked her like that." Louis asks.
"Well, unless you don't want me to. It's okay, if you really like her, I won't ask her," Harry smiles and puts his hand on Louis's shoulder.
"Do you like her?" He then asks.

"No, I just like her as a friend. I told Liam that last night and you even heard me. But even if I did, I wouldn't do anything to mess up our friendship." He smiles. Harry's smile completely drops.

"You mean, you don't care if I asked her out on date because you don't like her, right?" He says, sounding like he's not sure of what Louis said.

"That's right. Oh and to answer your question, she wouldn't like either of those." Louis points to the shirts with disapproving looks before walking out. Harry just stands there in shock before exiting the room as well and mumbling stuff under his breath.

"Shit Luke, you better go tell Harry to not ask her out before he does." Michael murmurs. I nod and stand up to go find Harry. I go to his and Niall's room and see him putting his shirts back in his closet.

"Harry," I ask and he turns around to face me once he puts the shirts back on the hangers.
"You can't ask her out." I simply say, looking down. I hear him making his way to me and I look up to see him smirking.

"I wasn't going to anyway. I don't like her like that." He tells me.
"What? But you just asked Louis-" I start but he cuts me off.
"I was just seeing if he liked her more than a friend."

"So you don't really like her?" I ask.
"No, not at all. But I can tell you do." He smiles.
I look down again at the cream colored carpeted floor, "Will you tell her?" I question.

"Not if you don't want me to." He shrugs.
"Thanks, Harry." I smile and go back to finish my race with Michael.

"Well? What did he say?" Michael suddenly asks, pressing play. I look around to see if Louis is still in here and notice that he's gone.
"He doesn't like her like that, he was just seeing if Louis did." I smile.
"So he's not going to ask her on a date?"

"Nope," I answer. "Yes! Ha ha! I finally beat you!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air as soon as my character comes in first place.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes.

Harry P.O.V

He doesn't like her. Shit what do I tell her?? 'Hey Cass. Louis doesn't like you back so..' No that's so stupid and mean. 'Cass, Louis told me he doesn't like you more than a friend but it's okay, I know how it feels to have your crush not like you back.' No. 'Hey, so bad news is that Louis doesn't like you back, good news is Luke really likes you.' No, he doesn't want me to tell her. This is going to be harder than I expected.

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