Touch starved

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A/N: Ahh, so this one shot is based on a tumblr post... so... enjoy? P.s, sorry that it sucks... my brain is mush.

Deceit should be used to it by now. Being the outcast. Being seen as nothing but a liar. Being pushed aside, un-involved. Being cast out for something he couldn't help doing. He lies. He can't help that. That's his job. That's what he was created to do! Just like Virgil was created to cause Thomas anxiety. Or how Logan was created to be in control of his logic and common sense. How Roman was there to make sure Thomas followed his hopes and dreams. Patton with his love and affections, the heart of Thomas.

And then there was him. An act of self preservation. He was there to help Thomas survive in the outside world! At least, that's what Deceit liked to believe he was there for. That he helped at least in one way or another - even if the others couldn't seem to see it like he could. But no, none of them believed he was created to help the Host. After all, how could you believe someone who did nothing but lie? How could someone accept someone as hideous and evil as him?


Snakey McSnakerson.

Dr. Trickle and Mr. Lies.

A liar.

That's all he was to anyone who had the unfortunate opportunity to know him. A liar. A snake. A Dark Side.

So by now, Deceit should have been used to feeling the way he did. Empty inside. Lonely and desolate. And perhaps... Deprived of physical touch? Not that he cared enough to... well, care about any of that nonsense. He didn't care that he felt isolated or unwanted or... touch starved. Deceit was cold blooded after all, he wasn't the type to go around asking for kisses and cuddles every five seconds, that was Patton's job. No - he didn't need any sort of affection.

He didn't. He told himself.

He didn't want affection. He scowled.

He didn't need it at all! He lied.

"I... I'm touch starved..." Deceit blinked, sighed and then groaned softly as a cloud of green engulfed the entire area he had been sulking in. "What are you doing here?" He resisted the urge to roll his eyes in the direction of Thomas' stinky-horny-poopy-kinky-trashman Side.

"I heard touch starved sooo...." Remus gave a seductive wiggle of his eyebrows, and a quick shimmy of his body. A thick smirk grew on his wet lips as his hand slowly began sliding down to hold one of Deceit's many hands, fingers intertwining like vines.

A smirk rose on Deceit's own lips, eyes darkening, though feeling quite... warm inside at the sudden contact of a hand other than his own. "You foolish dummy, this is how prey gets trapped." His smirk deepened.


There was no time for Remus to finish his sentence as all six of Deceit's arms clapped around every inch of his torso like a slap on bracelet, grip tightening and yanking him closer. One might say it was rather endearing, adorable even. Remus, on the other hand, assumed that Deceit wanted to get a little down and jiggy.

Remus' brows shot up to the top of his forehead, playful smile painting his lips. "Is that a seventh arm I feel, or are you just happy to see me?" He wiggled giddily against Deceit's grasp, chuckling.

Deceit blinked once, expression of that who had been turned into stone by Medusa. One by one he unclasped his arms from around the Trashman, grimacing. "And that is how you ruin it."

"Awe, come on! It was a joke! I was joking!" Remus cackled, chasing after the smaller Side. "Take me back into your many loving arms!"

𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚞𝚜/𝙳𝚞𝚔𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 (𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now