Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I follow her for a few minutes – shouting for her to stop. It is hard to shout to someone whose name you don’t know, but I manage. I can see people from Fairview watching us – some look worried as I chase my mate, others looks confused. I am confused myself; why is she running from me?

“Please, stop running” I call after her. She doesn’t stop, but she ends up leading me to an apartment building. The very same one that intrigued me last night – now I know why I had been so fascinated by it, I sensed my mate inside.

I don’t stop my pursuit once she runs into the building, instead I rush in after her. Her scent is addictive, so it is easy to pick up. It leads me straight to her door – number seven. I knock first, “please, just speak to me” I shout.

No answer comes. I knock some more, I shout some more. There is still no answer. I get annoyed and let out a growl. But I do not give up easy, I am too stubborn for that. When I see something I want, I take it. I want her, so I will have her. It is that simple.

Taking a grip out of my hair, I use it to pick the lock. I do it easily; I have had to do it a few times in my illegal line of work. I am a pro at breaking and entering now. I hear a gasp from inside, as the lock clicks, and I push the door open.

The smell of my mate surrounds me as I enter. I feel like I am walking into heaven – it is blissful. Her large grey widen as I walk straight up her, kicking the door shut behind me. “Why did you run from me, mate?” I demand, stalking up to her.

I can hear her heart racing, and smell her fear. I grab her wrists – and she gasps loudly. Touching her skin send small shocks of pleasure through my cells. I contain my moan as I pull her to me; her small body crashing into my curvy one. As we press into each other, I feel my arousal rise – I smell hers do the same.

“Answer me” I snap, annoyed and slightly hurt. There is nothing wrong with me – yes I am flawed, but not faulted. There is no reason why she should not want me. Maybe she is scared because she has never been with a woman; but apart from that I don’t know why she would run from me.

“Don’t hurt me” she whispers, eyes flicking to the floor. Her British accent make me wet – I try not to think what she would sound like if she spoke dirty to me. I cup her cheek with my hand, and force her face up to look into mine.

“I would never hurt you, beautiful, you’re my mate” I say. She nods, eyes staring deeply into mine. I want to kiss her, to taste her, to fuck her – right here, right now. But I can’t, I don’t think that is what she wants. Yet.

“I’m sorry I ran” my mate admits, looking guilty, “I was scared”.

“Scared of what?” I press, instantly wondering someone was trying to hurt her or do something to her. I would kill anyone that so much as looked at my mate in a bad way – she was mine to look after.

“Scared of what you’d think of me” she admits. I find that adorable, and I smile down at her.

The Love Triangle (GxGxB) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now