Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

It takes me three days to drive home, back to Cher and Liam, and the entire time I am excited to see the two people I love more than anything. Because everything was cleared and sorted out.

To a real dealer, we sold Vermeer's Concert for three hundred million dollars. We sent fifty million to John Finnegan, because we don't con our own people. He almost fainted when I transferred it into his account, because it was such a large ticket item that no one had ever wanted to pay a lot for it in the past. But then, he didn't have Albert's contacts like I did.

After that, I held my head high and walked straight into the police station. I was arrested, and Special Agent Hill showed his dislike for me. But, however, he had to release me – as he had nothing on me.

"Don't think that I don't know what you do, Miss Fernandez" Special Agent Hill warned, as he escorted me out the station.

"I don't know what you mean, Agent Hill. Do you have evidence that I am doing anything illegal?" I asked, giving innocent eyes.

"Well no--"

"Do you have anyone willing to say that I'm doing something illegal?"

"Well no but--"

"But nothing, Agent Hill" I cut him off, with a smirk. "You have nothing against me, and you never will, because I am not doing anything wrong".

"Mark my words, Miss Fernandez, I will bring you down and I will bring all your gang down with you. Mark. My. Words" he hissed. I got the feeling he really didn't like me very much.

"You have a good day, Agent Hill" I stated, grinning brightly before walking out the station in my best heels. I had partied with my gang all night long, before having to be put to bed by Dean. He had tried to get my clothes off first, but after a few stern words from Albert, he simply put me to bed.

The following morning, when I woke up and packed my bags, Dean found me. He begged me to give him a chance, to elope with him – and maybe if it had been months before, and Cher and Liam hadn't been in the picture, I may have even married him. But I loved Cher and I loved Liam, and I strongly liked Dean. There was no competition.

When I see the house, my heart begins to pick up. It was an odd thing as before I met them, nothing got my heart racing; except for running or rough sex. But now, the simple thought of knowing that Cher and Liam were in that house, no doubt in bed as it is early morning, has my heart racing wildly.

I park my car in the garage, and the moment I step out I am hit with their scents. "Oh god" I whisper, arousal hitting me like a bus. I slip into the house, and all the lights are off. I walk through the house, softly breathing in their scents.

I reach the bedroom, and ease the door open. They were both asleep in the bed, breathing softly as their chests rises and falls. I silently close the door behind me, before getting undressed and leaving the clothing on the floor.

I study Cher for a moment; her blonde hair fans over the pillow, and her small dainty face looks even more innocent in sleep. Her head is rested on Liam's large chest, which is golden and smooth. His beautiful face is soft and gentle, and his dark hair is swept back naturally.

I pick up the edge of the covers, and slip into the bed. I press my body against Cher, upset to find her wearing clothes. She wakes, as my arms drape over her slim waist. Cher jumps in shock, spinning in the bed. She looks panicked for a moment, before she realises it is just me.

"Leila" she grins, her beautiful grey eyes glistening as tears slip out of her eyes. "Oh my god, I've missed you so much". She throws her hands around my neck, as her lips touch mine. I grin into her kiss, as I drink her kisses in greedily.

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