My Home

14 2 0

2 days prior

The funny thing is, I'm never mean to my mother. I couldn't be. She's been in a state, ever since my twelfth birthday. She believes every day is my twelfth birthday.

She doesn't deserve it. The people who this sort of thing happens to never do. She was, and still is, always kind. She makes my brothers and I pancakes every morning. She always offers to use cream and sprinkles, but I only let her do it when it's actually someone's birthday or a holiday.

I never let my brothers take advantage of my mother's state. Although, even I have to admit that I tried when I first found out. Hey, I was twelve. What would you do if people acted like it was your birthday every day when you were twelve?  You would have probably done the same as me, and take advantage of her wanting to buy you gifts.

Then the harsh reality sets in. Mom is retired and only gets a certain amount of money every month. My brothers and I need to go to school, even if she insists we can stay home. She doesn't remember to pay bills or taxes, so I started doing that too. I am the master of my mother's signature, and grocery shopping.

By the age of 14, I was a pro at adulting. My brothers started insisting they could help, but I don't let them.

Oh, right, my brothers. They're twins. Levi and Trent. Pale and thin, like me. Black hair like me too. Mom has blonde hair, but she says she's the "black sheep" of the family. They have baby-blue eyes like mom. You can tell Trent because he has a cut through his right eyebrow, which is a scar he got during a fight.

We live in a shit-hole known as "the gutter" to everyone who lives here. It's called that because there are a lot of factories around here, so it basically always looks like night time. The water is dirty with the run-off, and the streets in the human part of town are right on the water. We get that fantastic oil smell every day, while the Damons get to live over the bridge and drive to work every day.

There's no cops. That's a luxury Damons and Fari get to enjoy. If you get cornered by an annoyed Damon or another Human one day, you either fight back or take what they give you. So on a day like today, when I'm walking home with a ton of groceries in a (possibly stolen) shopping cart, it's nice to have Clove and Allegra with me.

Allegra's dad hates that she spends time with Clove and I in the gutter, but he won't stop her. Also, cool fact, no one like Winter will approach us when we have Allegra. Despite the fact she's... not the most intimidating Damon.

"We're pushing a cart through the filthy human streets~ I'm singing this song until Earlene gives me sweets~" She was singing, because she had seen me pick up chocolate-creme cookies while at the store.

"Hey Earlie, why don't you pop open those cookies for your two favorite classmates?" Clove asked. He only calls me Earlie when he wants something, because he knows I hate that nickname more than History class.

I gave in, sighing and letting them have one of the packs of cookies. I had bought two, but originally one was going to be for me. It's fine, though. I'll just make my brothers give me some.

I don't know why Allegra has a human obsession. She only hangs out with Clove and I, despite sometimes making comments that would suggest otherwise. In class, she can be completely focused and steady as a rock. But, when she's with us, she jumps around in puddles and eats my cookies.

There was a torn up banner sitting inside a walkway. It had a big red shield on it. It was obvious, a branch of the rebellion was in town. The walkway led to a basement that I'm pretty sure is a bar, but today it was loud and noisy.

Clove looked down at it. He always gets this look when a branch of the rebellion was around. He never told me why. It's like he's thinking about something. Before I realized, Allegra and I were both looking at Clove's face, stopped on this dimly lit road.

Allegra tapped him on the shoulder. "C-Clove? Are you doing okay?"

He turned around, gripping her hands. "Allegra, I know you care about humans, but promise you'll never join the rebellion."

"Clove, where is this-"

"Promise me." His face was grim. He had never done something like this before. Did he really care about Allegra? More than just our Damon defender?

"I promise." She said. "Now, please stop squeezing my hands. You're hurting me."

He sighed, letting go. He looked at the banner once more. "Allegra, text your dad that they're here. Let's get them out of the city."

"O-Oh, alright." She took out her phone. It was pink, with a small heart charm hanging from it. Obviously expensive. "There."

"Good, then let's go." Clove said. He was acting so different. He wasn't laughing or teasing. He also wasn't lecturing us.

I would never tell Clove what I'm doing. Allegra took him home a while ago, so I'm here by myself. I'm touching the banner. It's quiet now, so I'm guessing someone found out they had been discovered.

I was a bit startled when an old woman approached me. She was human. She leaned forward on her cane, stiff with age. She was unspeakably thin, but she was smiling at me. "Are you looking for those people, child?"

"No ma'am. I was just-"

"Some of them are still in here. They're staying with me. Why don't you come inside and meet them?" She spoke slowly, and she was so sincere.

Clove would kill me for going in.

He doesn't have to know I did it.

An older, dark skinned, wider man was the first to see me. A woman with hair dyed dark blue sat at his right, and she was almost on par with the old woman in terms of weight. Across from him, a woman with a serpent (it was a sleeping cobra, for reference) for hair sat cuddled up against a man who was obviously related to the woman from the other couch.

"Hey kiddo." Said the darker man. "You look like you could use some hot soup. That's probably why Gran brought you in." He laughed. "It's in that pot. Help yourself to it."

"Making a child get her own food. You people truly don't have manners." The serpent woman laughed. "Samuel, get this girl a chair and some soup."

The blue haired man sat up from his cuddling position. He pulled over a wooden seat to a spot in-between the two couches. I sat down, and he brought me a cup of double-noodle soup. He wasn't much for talking.

"They have no manners, girlfriend. My apologies." She smiled again as Samuel rejoined her on the couch. "We actually live here. I'm Sara. This handsome man is Samuel. The two on that couch are Haze and Tony." Her snake hissed. "Oh, and this is Chester."

I sipped my soup. It was delicious, and I think my face showed as much, as Gran gave a big smile. "I-uh- I'm Earlene."

I ended up staying there for hours. They weren't talking about revolution or anything, but instead food, new shows in town, and even their families back home. I even joined in and made them smile.

Sara gave me a hug when it was time to go. "Come back anytime for a hot meal."

This Morning

"This morning- just a few moments ago, big players in the revolution were caught right here in town. This includes the Evil Serpent Sara, Big Tony, Swift Samuel, and Haze the Charmer. They will be put to death this afternoon, at approximately 12pm, beginning with Sara. For you 6am news, I'm Kara Kabella."

And so, my morning began. My home is a disappointment as usual.

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