I Get to Stay

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The dog is kissing me? He tastes like fruit and sugar, and I like it. When was the last time I kissed someone Mom didn't pick? I don't know. I'm drawing blanks while I kiss him.

"Hey! Drake, we're back." It's Rose's voice. The new Princess is probably with him. I push Sam off and lean against the wall.

"Oh, is that right? I didn't even notice you were gone. Ready to go home yet, Earlene?" I ask snobbishly. I am not going to slip up in front of Rose. I have to keep this mask on to keep safe.

"I am, actually."

"Not an option, you dumbass." I laughed. I wanted my home too, even though I had never seen it. She got to spend her whole life with her mom, while I was here.

I'm suffering, but they don't see me. I'm not their King, only their appearance.

Rose could see things heating up. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you head back to your room, Earlene? It'll be better in the morning when you start school."

"Start school? What do you mean, isn't it almost Summer?" I asked. "Can't I just,,, wait until next year or something?"

"No. Plus, we're home alone, so I'm expected to make sure you get there." Rose said. "C'mon now, you should get upstairs and take a bath. One of the humans from the reserves will help you."

"Wait, from the reserves? They come here?" I asked. "I thought they-"

"What? Went to the army?" Drake asked. "We get enough Damons that volunteer for the army after college. Damons and humans that are forced into the reserves work here as servants. Every year 10 servants retire- five humans and five Damons- and 10 servants take their place."

"Ooh, I can help her!" Came a youthful voice. She had glasses, as well as Orange curly hair. It was in a ponytail, but enough to be down to her waist. She was paper thin, and paper colored as well. She had pale lips and baby blue eyes, which contrasted her obviously lively attitude. "Hi!! I'm Olivia!! Her majesty said I get to be your designer."

"My... what?"

"A human designer? Has mother lost her-?" Drake seemed annoyed, but covered his mouth with his hand.

"I promise sire, I'm perfectly qualified. Leave Earlene to me! I'll make her in tip top shape for tomorrow!" Olivia said. "Now you need to come upstairs." She grabbed my arm excitedly. "There's so much to do!! Let's start with your name."

"My name? Wh- Ow!" She started pulling me up the stairs. Rose sighed and followed us.

Drake smiled. Whenever he hides his mouth, he's smiling. I've known him for a few hours, but tailing him for these last two has given me a good idea of who he is. Get it? Tailing?

I'm Sam. Everyone knows me as the happy puppy. Well, until they don't. When they don't is usually when they realize I'm holding their wallet. This is the luckiest I've ever gotten.

Little Princess doesn't know why I actually got in that car that day. But I think I can tell you the story. You won't tell her, right?

The janitors closet is a terrible place to have sex. A, because it's small and cramped. B, because even if the rich boy Damon you're doing it with is high off his ass, if his wallet happens to have finger ID on it, the alarm it sets off is enough to get him moving.

So, wallet in hand, I start booking it. And I mean booking it. Down the hall little security Sam runs. The part about me being a security Damon is true, but not the part about me doing my job. Little secret, none of us do our jobs.

For some reason, I can tell something's wrong. Our pagers almost never vibrate, because our boss doesn't give a shit. We don't either. But today, my pager is vibrating like nuts while I run. I pull it off my belt when I realize little rich boy isn't tailing me anymore, and it reads, 'Magic, car dock.' Damn, they want me at the car dock?? For magic??

When I get there Bill takes the wallet I stole and shoves me in with this little girl from the gutter. And that's the story of how I got caught.

I'm so lucky to be here. All my wildest dreams are coming true, especially when talking about the food. And I can even secure my place here, using that little prince.

Besides, who thought magic could belong only to the Fari? Because little Sam is pretty good at it.

She's dyeing my HAIR. Blonde.

"Her highness asked that we fix up your hair. I see why. This oil and dandruff is making it sooooo messy. But Olivia has got it!! A new color and some nice treatments!!" Olivia was enthusiastic about everything. She was basically one big ball of sunshine in a pale girl's body.

"Now, your uniform will be the same as everyone else's. What will distinguish you is your hair and makeup. Now I say we leave your hair down and do something simple. What do you think?"

"We could do nothing at all." I said.

"Oh but your blemishes! Your skin isn't the best, we should at least get your skin clear before we try to go with nothing." She looked at me with puppy dog eyes as she rinsed my hair again.

"Hmm, fine." I said finally. "But really, something simple."

"Of course. Your new team will be here in the morning to help me with everything, so you don't have to worry dear!"

"My team?!"

"Well yes. Tomorrow is your first public appearance. Anyone can take a picture of you, and they'll get paid an unreasonably large sun to sell it to any bidder that wants to put the new Princess on everyone's TV screen first. You have to look good from any angle or else-"

"They'll tear her down in any way they can." Rose finished. He entered the large marble bathroom in a big fluffy bathrobe of his own. His hair was tied up in a messy bun. "Man, Liv lets you soak in a warm tub while she does your hair? She would never be caught dead with me doing that."

"Rose! You can't be in here! The Princess is nude!"

"Well does the Princess mind?" He asked smugly. I shook my head, and Olivia grumbled in defeat. "Well, looks like I get to stay."

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