The Truth Revealed

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Winter approached me quickly. I was fully prepared to take her as Mrs. Ventura looked at us. I was probably going to get beat up before security could arrive. I went in to punch her as she finally ran at me.

But I know I didn't actually make contact when I closed my eyes. I know that because nothing hit me, but my arm felt weird, and...dripping wet.

When I looked, my arm was soaked. But, more than my arm, Winter was on the ground. She was more soaked than my arm. Mrs. Ventura and Teddy looked shocked. The phone hung from Mrs. V's hand by the cord.

"That was- Magic." Mrs. Ventura finally stated. "Teddy, take your sister to the nurse. I'll wait here with Earlene for security."

Teddy nodded. She never said much, but I assumed today wasn't the day now. She picked up her sister in her arms and started running. Now people would really avoid me, wouldn't they? I stared at my hands.

"You're not human." Mrs. Ventura looked almost... Betrayed. "What are you doing here? We're you here to trick us? Was this a test?"

"What? No, I didn't know. That's never happened before. I promise I-"

The security came. They were Damons, big and strong. They came and grabbed me. "She used magic. Make sure she gets to the Fari center, they should be able to help her. This school isn't for Fari."

They held my arms, nodding as they began to carry me through. "N-No! You can't do this!" They carried me out of the classroom, where I saw Allegra and Clove standing in front of our history class. "Allegra! Clove! Please!" They both saw me, and ran up to the guards, but they wouldn't stop. They just walked right on through.

I started kicking. Security was never human, always the biggest possible Damons. Here to keep us in line. There was a car outside. I was thrown in.

I'm scared. I'm alone. I want my brothers.

I collect myself. Get in the seat. The door opens again. Who is it?

He's younger, but still wearing the security outfit. He's also smaller than security. He looks about my age too, but he has messy black hair and black wolf ears. He looks stressed. Stressed, and tired. His tail is laying on me. It's big and fluffy.

"Hey, Princess, what are you doing that you get to be transported?" He asks, using a flirtatious tone. He's smirking at me. His eyes are big and blue, and he's got tan skin.

"Don't call me that." I respond. "And, let me guess, you're getting transported for flirting with a student or something stupid?"

"Well that, and I haven't been doing my job." He said. His smirk faded as he slumped back. "If they don't have a reassignment for me, they'll probably just put this dog down."

"They'll- do what exactly??" I asked with shock.

"They'll kill me. Maybe use my fur as a nice coat for one of her majesty's." He laughed, but it was obvious he was scared. "What'd you do anyway? I thought we do a pretty good job of keeping humans well behaved."

"I... used magic." At first, he looked shocked. Then, his smirk returned. He leaned into my neck, sniffing and immediately making me uncomfortable.

"Cotton Candy and... The forest? I've never smelled... hmm..."

"Hey, can you- Uh- not." I said, wishing this car wasn't so small.

He backed off, putting his hands up and turning red. "A-Apologies. I've just never met an actual Fari before, you all usually just keep to yourselves. I can't help it."

"Well, since you did that..." I thought for a moment. "Can I... feel your ears?" I asked.

He turned even darker, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, uh, I guess. But, I won't like it." He breathed. "I'm Sam, by the way. Sam Wolven."

"Well, I'm Earlene Wish. I guess I'm a Fari." I said. I reached up my hand and began to scratch behind his ear. It was soft, and he immediately closed his eyes and got a big grin on his face. He wagged his tail, his soft fur hitting against me as his back had now turned to me.

Eventually as I pet his head and ears, he laid down in my lap. I could see that some of his nerves were calming as he shut his eyes. I stroked his head as he drifted, muttering things I couldn't really hear.

This was calming for my nerves too. His fur- or is it hair- is so soft. If I shut my eyes for just a moment, it'll be okay. Everything is o-

I woke up being pushed out of the car and handcuffed. The cuffs were heavy, obviously enchanted or something like that. On the other side of the car, I see Sam. He's pushed down on his knees, and someone is there.

"I heard you were insolent, but how dare you touch a Fari!" She was an older woman. Blonde and green-eyed. Her skin was a lustrous purple, but she was obviously not a Damon.

They were walking me around to their side of the car. "I can't wait to have a new fur coat, once they list off all your charges in there. What a time to be called to this nowhere district."

I shouldn't have stopped, but she pulled out an electric whip. When she raised it, the guards weren't expecting me to do anything. I ran from the guards, and slid in between Sam and the whip. The woman hesitated, obviously annoyed.

"What do you think you're doing?" She hissed. I shivered. She spoke like venom, her spit spraying as she spoke.

Sam was shocked, shaking from behind me. "Y-Your majesty- I'm sure she doesn't mean it. She's new and kind and-"

"Quiet, you absolute fool, before I silence you myself." She said. "You must not know me. I am Queen Magnium. I can't wait to use my magic to find out what Fari you came out of, then determine whether it's worth keeping you alive."

I had defied the Queen.

I'm absolutely fucking fucked.

She places her hand on my chest.

And I watch as she almost falls backwards.

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