You Will Know Me

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  I don't expect anyone to like me. Especially not these two. The dog is more like a puppy than anything else, loyal to whoever will give it attention at the time. Then there's this girl, the same as me.

She doesn't know that. She doesn't know that unlike everyone else she will meet in that castle, she will find herself most similar to me.

She also doesn't know that she's the lucky one.

"There's no room for you and your... Damon to travel with us. So, you will have a separate car. You will have a trained guard with you."

I didn't realize who she was talking about, not until I saw him. He was well built, with baby blue eyes and hair dyed lavender that lay in a ponytail on his back. He had skin the color of light hot cocoa. He also had a scar on his face, reaching from his jawline to the top of his cheek. He was wearing a robotic suit, holding a helmet in one hand and leaving his other on his hip. There's going to be no running away with him watching me.

"This is my right hand man, Rose. I trust him with everything. I trained him myself, and trust he will keep you safe." The Queen spoke proudly of him. "He is the one who caught the rebellion leaders who were executed today. I saw the footage of him catching them with no help from the police force in the area."

The Rebellion Members

I had almost forgotten that it was those people who had been killed today. Did they struggle? Were they in pain? Does it hurt me in any way?

Rose opened the car door. "Princess Earlene Alpin."

"Alpin?" I asked as I approached the car door.

He looked at me. "It's your family name. Is it not yours?" He asked. He has a tattoo that goes up to his neck.

"My name is Earlene Wish." I responded. He made eye contact with the Queen, but he shut the door before I could figure out why.

He let Sam in the other side. He sat in the driver's seat, but pressed a few buttons on the car before pressing a button to face his seat towards us. "So, how's your first day? Need a snack or drink?"

"No there were plenty at central." I said. "How long have you been with the Queen?"

"Since she spared me." He said. He was smiling. "I was fourteen, so, five years? My family was part of the rebellion. She and some reserves were there silencing us. I remember... glass fell and cut my face. I was already starving to death, and I was out of energy. I woke up in a bed in the castle, and from that day, the Queen raised me as her personal guard and servant. I don't know why..." He trailed, but then folded his hands and returned to a robotic smile.

"You smell like death." Sam said, causing Rose to turn and look at him. "Like, you smell like you just walked out of the sewers a few hours ago."

He laughed. "It's the smell of Rebel blood, little wolf."

Great. Another psycho. "So, why do you have a spine tattooed on your back?"

"The Queen said I needed a little more backbone, so she wanted to give me some herself." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It was painful, but it taught me a lesson I think I should share with you." He smiled. "Do what she says. Or you'll find yourself in painful situations."

I nodded. Had he been hurt by her? Then why be so loyal-

"Ah, look, Earlene!! We're here!!" Sam grabbed me to show me the view outside his window.

How fast had the car gone? Looking out said window showed a beautiful mountain with a momentous structure on top. The place seemed like a temple. A tall pole with a metal bird sitting atop it stood center to four other points with similar birds. The palace was lined in gold, and painted a soft tan.

"The Northeast Tower will finally have a royal inside of it." The car stopped. "Welcome to home, Earlene. Erm, welcome home."

They helped me get settled in, or at least, Rose did. He told Sam and I everything, before taking Sam to his own quarters. My bed is pink and fluffy. The entire room is filled with stuffed animals.

"They were my first daughter's." The Queen said upon entering. "She died seven years ago. My, did that girl love her dolls." She looked out the window, a sigh escaping her lips. "It will be difficult having someone inside of Heather's room."

"I'm sorry, your Majesty-"

"It's no trouble." She approached the door again, ready to leave as quickly as she had entered. "And, you are to call me 'Mom' going forward."

Rose came in as the Queen left. "Sorry, food?"

He sat down across from me at a simple round wooden table with two wooden chairs. I took a bite of the bread, which seemed to melt in my mouth. I needed a drink to wash it down, and luckily the tray he brought in had water.

"Good?" He asked. I nodded, biting into the ham, but getting...sleepy. I fell to the ground from my chair, but he quickly caught me and held me.

"Earlene, I'm sorry, but that will be your last meal." He whispered.

"What did you do." I whimpered out. He pulled a bottle out of his pocket, which was the last thing I saw before I was pulled in by darkness.

I woke up with Rose next to me. He was wearing this smirk as he shook me awake. "This is the new Princess. But today, she is a symbol."

Where am I? I'm tied up, and my mouth is taped. I seem to be in a bar, but I'm sitting on a broken boxing ring, tied to a chair. There's men and women of various shapes and forms all around.

Rose pulled my hair, lifting my head. "Imagine what that damned King and Queen will say when they see that she's been found dead in the streets with our emblem."

Damn, Rose is a rebel, isn't he? He's wearing a tank top and jeans. He must be something around here, because everyone is watching him closely and listening to him, despite their laughing and snickering.

A reptile man spoke up from the back. "Poor bastards will shit themselves." He yelled, causing everyone to laugh.

Rose took the tape off my face. "So, Earlene, how do ya wanna die?" He asked, holding a knife to my neck.

"I'd prefer not to die." I responded. Everyone erupted in laughter at that. Even Rose took the knife away and turned from me to laugh.

He looked to me again, twirling his knife. "Haha, funny girl. But seriously, how do you wanna go?"

Everyone went silent and just started at me. It didn't look like this was going to end very well.

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