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it's been a week since i arrived here. and i think it's been too long since i saw my family. they must be worried sick.

" i made up my mind. i'm going to the witch's house." jinyoung stood up with worried face.

" no, its dangerous i told you, byul-ah. what if something happen to you?"

i sighed and stared at his eyes. " dont worry.. its gonna be fine." he bit his lips. " then, i'll go with you. i dont take no as an answer." his stared at me with his soft eyes and i cant talk back with those puppy eyes.

i nodded and smiled at him. my hand patting his hair slowly.


" dont forget us, okay!" taehyun wiped his tears.

" and me too! the cutest dwarfs here!" said jinho, biting his lower lips trying to hold back tears from falling.

i grinned at them. " i wont forget you guys.." jinhwan screamed, " jinyoung! take care of her!" jinyoung bobbed his head.

the four dwarfs hugged me tight as i caressed their hair. i wiped my tears, i will miss this place..

i pulled away and waved at them. " goodbye!" and then i heard them bid me too. oh i really wont forget this.


" almost there.." he said as we were in the middle of the wood. i can see the witch's house from where we were. i thought it was just a 1-2 hours of walking but it was far. the night had come but we didnt arrive yet.

i stepped back when i see a shadow behind a tree. i turned to jinyoung as he was looking at me too. his expression were a bit in the careful side, asking me to calm down and be quiet.

" hmm i smelled.." the voice continued, " fresh blood!" i ran to jinyoung when something appeared right in front of me.

" hyunsuk! what do you want?!" jinyoung shouted at the man. he smirked and glared at him. " i'm thirsty and i was sure i smelled human blood." the vampire smiled at me, showing his two fangs clearly.

i made a space between me and jinyoung when i saw him raised his head to the sky and howled. " auuuuuuu~~~!"

i quickly ran and hid myself behind a big old tree while watching them both struggling with each other.

the sound of wolf howling and vampire hissing echoed the whole forest making me scared as i hugged my own body.
when i looked backed at them, my eyes went wide as i saw jinyoung laying lifelessly on the ground. my feet steeping back slowly when jinyoung get up to walked to me. i was crying.

the vampire was still there watching and was ready to attack me however jinyoung suddenly fall in front of me, getting hit instead of me. he screamed and became unconscious right there.

i rushed and kneeled next to him checking if he's okay and thank goodness, he's still breathing. i looked up and connected my eyes with someone in a cloak.
i cant really see if its a man or woman but i expect it to be man because of the figure. he's the one who make jinyoung fall?

he pointed his wands at jinyoung. woah, woah he's the witch?! they said he's a bad person. i think he saw my eyes shaking , " dont worry." he smiled at me. he continued what he was doing. as he pointed the wands, he said something which i cant catch or maybe thats a spell.

magically, jinyoung coughed and rised up. i hold him to help him sat at the ground. " are you okay, i was really worried.." jinyoung smiled and nodded his head.

i faced the witch, " thank you."

" its nothing. what are you both doing here?"

" i.. i was.. umm." i dont know if i was going to tell him i was on the way to his house. " well, save that for a while. come rest at my house first, its just near here. i'm seunghun."

i shooked his hand and nodded. i helped jinyoung walked as we made our way towards his house.

[ magical ] ; bae jinyoungWhere stories live. Discover now