Family and a baby

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Chapter 9

(Jaz)lynn's P.O.V

"OMG nevaeh!" I said running up to her and hugging her."Hey jaz!" She said with hoarse voice I'm guessing from crying."Are you okay is the baby ok we should probably get you signed-In and examined you know just to be on the safe side." I said as she looked at me chuckling a bit."Jamir's already taking care of that but look at you going all big sister mode on me" she said laughing." Nevaeh I'm so sorry I didn't tell you it's just that when I figured out it was you I told daddy and he wanted to be the one to tell you and he was going to tonight well that is until Javier's ole cock sucking ass ruined everything." I said telling her the God honest truth just hoping she'd believe me..." I'm not mad,hella confused maybe but I'm not mad I'm actually okay with all of this I mean besides JULI- dad getting shot I have you as a sister and two older bothers that I'm scared shitless to even meet." She said turning a light shade of red,her hands were sweating and she was trembling."oh don't worry they where their when everything went down they even helped catch Javier oh and btw I'm sorry about what he did to you "it's okay" she said giving me a reassuring smile.come on let's go meet javen and jayceon" I finished saying grabbing her hand leading her over to where they were.

Ne(vaeh)'s P.O.V

"Javen, jayceon look who's here" jaz said walking up to my twin brothers they were buff as hell had really nice hair and were the same skin complexion as JULI- my dad that'll take some time getting use to saying.I was brought out of my thoughts to Arms being wrapped around me and me being lifted off the ground."man I'm so happy your here" one of the twins said setting me back down I really can't tell which one is which "damn javen man scare her off why don't you." I guessing jayceon said because the one who picked me up is who he called javen."wassup I'm your bother jayceon" he said again trying to shake my hand "oh no jayceon she's definitely a hugger" jaz said causing me to chuckle and nod my head up and down while being picked up again like the first time."okay okay okay bone crusher she's preggers"jaz said making both of my bothers look at me."your pregnant?" They asked at the same time and as if on que (Ms.Nevaeh Davis) my name was being called and I looked at both of them knowingly.

After my check up Mir and I made another appointment since their was no need for the one tomorrow due to me being checked tonight.we made our way back to the waiting area where everyone else was."babe I want you to meet my brothers" I said turning around to face Mir."Okay ma,stop looking all scared and shit you'll get use to it I promise." He said kissing my forehead I grabbed his hand and walked towards my new brothers and sister.

Ja(Mir)'s P.O.V
"Guys this is my boyfriend jamir, babe these are my brothers javen and jayceon" vaeh said introducing us." Whats up man" they both said."wassu-" I started to say before (Family of a JULIAN King Davis) was said by a doctor nevaeh grabbed my hand and we followed everyone else heading towards the doctor."how is he?" Both the twins,Jazlynn,Nevaeh,and jasmine all asked at the same time."well mr.davis...I froze as the doctor started to tell them about JULIAN I couldn't help but think If he dies this'll destroy vaeh she just found out about him,she's already attached to him,she loves him and if she looses him now there would only be a matter of time before my baby self destruct and I don't know if there would be any saving her if she did." Mir baby did you here the doctor HE'S ALIVE HE LIVED" vaeh said wrapping her arms around my torso looking up at me with those glossy ass hazel eyes and that beautiful ass smile I loved so much."I told you so!"I said gripping her ass then kissing her."okay love bugs come on" javen said walking towards the door to lead the way to Julian's room...!

Julian's P.O.V

"Daddy" I heard my first baby girl say as she ran to the bedside and grabbed my hand kissing my forehead."hey babygirl" I tried to say but my mouth was to dry."here" she said holding a cup with a straw placing it between my lips allowing me to drink from it and I started to panic MY OTHER BABY GIRL WHERE IS SHE."jazlynn where is nevaeh?" I asked trying to take the cover off of me as jasmine and jayceon walked in..."Pops man come on what are you doing" jayceon asked trying to get me to settle down."WHERE'S NEVAEH"I yelled at them I couldn't loose her again idk know what she was feeling,I didn't know what she was thinkin, I don't know if I made things clear enough for her,and all I know is that I don't know where my baby girl is and that I would go through hell and back trying to find her."baby calm down she's right there" jasmine said pointing at the door and there she stood smirking " your gonna hurt your self old man" she said and everybody laughed causing me to chuckle but soon stopped and groaned in pain."Com'er babygirl" I said making room on the bed for her as she walk to me "get in" I told her." I can't I might hurt you" she said as tears formed in her eyes."I highly doubt that come on" I said grabbing her hand and she sat on the bed facing me."We'll give you two some privacy" jasmine said walking towards the door but no one followed." Hell Yall waiting for?" I asked referring to all the nosey mf's that tried to stay behind "Yall heard the woman" I said and nevaeh laughed "yea get out" she added causing her bothers to look at her and say"be quite lil bit" she laughed and said "whatever" as jaz hit both of them upside the head walking out the door with jamir and Andre behind her."sooooooo" she said after at least 2 min of silence."Nevaeh baby I promise I tried,in sorry you went throught everything you went throught,I never knew about the rape because if so his ass would've been knocked off long time ago baby girl I sorry I couldn't get to you and reason I'm saying all out this is because I really need you to for-" "I forgive you" she said cutting me off as tears slowly stream down her face "daddy" she caught me be surprise when I heard that " yeah baby?"I answered still looking at her I could tell she was hurt,&& I could see that she was confused."promise me something?" she asked " anything baby-girl you name"I said "promise you'll never leave me again and if you do you'd always come back for me no matter what" she said laying her head on my shoulder."I promise babygirl you don't ever have to worry about that again oh and don't think your off the hook for making me a GRANDDDDDDDPA as your sister would say while I'm still so young" I said making her giggle sleepily and me finally noticing her baby bump."I'm sorry" she said with her eyes closed." I love you navaeh always have and always will baby girl." I said noticing she was sleeping due to the sound of her soft snores filling the room and in walked jamir just the person I wanted see." I was just coming to tell her I was going to get clothes" he said seeing that she was sleeping."have a seat jamir" I said pointing to the chair beside the bed i was gonna get to the bottom of him supposedly putting his hands on my babygirl." Wassup Julian?"He asked looking at nevaeh semi smiling then looking up at me." Have you ever hit her?" I asked getting straight to the point fuck would i be beating around the bush for.he hesitated before answering as my sons walked in "yea man I hit her twice but I promised her I'd never do it again and I mea-"nigga you what?" Both of my sons said walking up him with that look I've seen one to many times before to not know what it meant it was the same look they had when they beat the shit out of jazlynn's ex boyfriend when he beat her and had her hospitalized they brought his punk ass to me and I beat his ass some more."boys chill I got this" I said getting my sons to back down before they woke their sister up for her to see this."look Yall the last time I hit her I promised it was my last time and I meant that I love that girl with every fiber of my being and that could never change." Jamir said and I must admit the lil nigga sounded sincere." Jamir man look the only reason I ain't letting my sons handle you is because she's pregnant and you seem to be telling the truth and also because I see the way she looks at you so from my understanding you were the only person she had before tonight and I thank you for being there for my babygirl when I couldn't be but nigga if you ever and I do mean ever put yo hands on her again I will beat your ass on the way to a good fight,and they'll meet you their" I said pointing at my sons but looking jamir directly in the eye." You got me?" I asked still looking at him not breaking eye contact." Yea JULIAN man I got you but I really am telling the truth I would never do anything to hurt her or my seed again and hopefully someday you'll beleive me" he said looking at nevaeh as she peacefully slept in my arms with her head on my chest."I believe you man" ."WE DONT"the twins said looking at him as if looks could kill."Javen,jayceon chill man he's good for now your sister loves him so we like him that is until he fucks up again" I said to the looking down at my babygirl.
2 months later

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