Chapter 69 - Filming The Promotional Video

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them.

Li Lei did not even lift his eyelids as he said, "Ah Wei, she hasn't eaten anything for the entire day."

Wei Shaoyin was quiet for a moment at the other end of the line, before hesitantly asking, "Boss, is Xiao Ling really alright?"

Li Lei lightly responded, "What could be wrong? She just woke up and is a little weak. I was about to bring her to have some dinner."

Wei Shaoyin did not sound convinced and asked Li Lei several more times if Xia Ling was fine. He even instructed Big Boss Li to take good care of her. Listening to him from the side, Xia Ling felt a cold sweat break out on his behalf. Ah Wei, Big Boss Li is your boss, man! How can you instruct your boss in such an overbearing way to take care of such a small artiste? It is a miracle that you haven't been fired in all these years.

Other than being shocked, Xia Ling also felt extremely touched at his concern.

Li Lei's expression was normal, answering Wei Shaoyin with the occasional "mmhmms" and "ahs" where appropriate, not at all upset at Wei Shaoyin's instructions.

Xia Ling was baffled. Who were these people in Skyart Entertainment... if it were at Imperial Entertainment, anyone who dared speak to Big Boss Pei Ziheng like how Wei Shaoyin did with Li Lei, he or she would immediately be asked to pack his or her bags and go home. She could not resist but to steal another look at the man on the phone under the warm light in the bedroom. There was a sense of peace between his brows and a warmth in his expression.

She realized in that instant that occasionally he felt like someone that was... trustworthy.

However, she soon shook her head as she sought to discard these thoughts from her head. Had she not been duped enough in her past life? These men with money and power could alter their promises as they wished and had no counterforce to curb their power. All their promises were lies, and they were all not to be messed with. She would no longer believe any of these men in high places with so much power, they were destined to be on a different path from her.

Wei Shaoyin finally concluded the call with Li Lei and reluctantly hung up.

Li Lei hung up as well and returned the phone to Xia Ling.

"Let's go have some food." He smiled as he said to her. "You heard it all, Ah Wei asked me to take good care of you."

Xia Ling did not have any appetite, and replied, "I'm not hungry."

"You still have to eat even if you aren't hungry." He coaxed her gently. "Otherwise, your body won't be able to take it." If there were anybody else present, they would be shocked at the gentleness that Li Lei was showing. Second Young Master Li was good with girls undoubtedly, but he would usually simply instruct his subordinates to send gifts, flash his credit cards, fetch them in his sports car, etc. Xia Ling was the only person that Second Young Master Li bothered to coax patiently and sweetly to have a meal.

Yet, Xia Ling still shook her head.

No woman had dared reject Second Young Master Li in such a way before. However, Li Lei remained patient and composed. "I made a delicious dish of scallops." His culinary skills were unrivaled, and he decided to try to entice her with the attractiveness of the food.

Xia Ling was not moved.

Li Lei did not know how to respond.

He tried a second tactic. "I have many guests at dinner and they are all interesting people. They will be thrilled to see you."

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