Chapter 4

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A few quick things before we get started.
2) Many people ask how often I update, I update whenever the last chapter I write gets to 100 views. Hopefully if the story gets more popular the goal will be different.
3) I love all the comments I'm getting, they mean so much! I read every single one, so make sure if you have something to say, say it!
4) I wrote the last chapter (dont worry its not for a long time) and I love how the story ends and I have a great plan for this story! I know its going slow but just hang tight!
I love you guys so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️

Photoshop rolled around again and so many things were running through my mind.

I walked down the art hallway and like always pushed past the doors of room 231.

"Oh Christian, what a pleasure." Bridget faked a smile.

"Cut the bullshit." I smiled back as I took my seat on the corner.

Louis walked in and I waited for him to maybe say hi or wave or something, but nothing. He walked past my computer and sat down at his seat. I can't say I'm surprised.

The rest of the class shuffled in, along with Nik, Kaylee and Jake.

"Hey." Nik and Kaylee said at the same time.

"Hi." I smiled back.

Kaylee moved closer, "you okay Chris?"

I faked a smile a nodded my head.

"Okay class, now I hope you all have your photos from the other day because today we are going to jump right into Adobe Photoshop!" The teacher jumped up and down clapping her hands.

I got out of my chair to go to Jakes computer. As I started to walk I felt an arm grab me.


"Hi Louis." I mumbled.

"I, I, your shirt is nice today." He smiled.

"Thank you Louis." I smiled taking a break, "I have to go now."

He let go of my arm and I walked to Jakes desk.

"Get it Christian!" Jake hollered.

My face went red, "Jake." I gritted through my teeth.

He let out a laugh along with the rest of the class as I sat down next to him and slapped his arm, hard.

"Okay class settle down." The teacher said giggling a bit herself, "We are going to start with the basics today, such as getting rid of eye redness, blemishes, and color saturation."

"Good luck Jake, you're going to have to do a lot of editing to fix Christian's disgusting face." Bridget snickered.

Everyone but Jake laughed, sadly that even included Louis.

"Oh shut up Bridge not even photoshop could make you look hot." Jake fought back.

"Jake it's not worth it." I whispered.

"Oh look at little Christian, she's going to cry." Bridget laughed, "Aren't you?."

I tried, I tried not to cry. But the hardest thing to do is not cry when you feel like everyone is against you.

"Christian, please don't listen to her." Jake whispered while he rubbed my back.

"Can, can I leave?" I asked the teacher letting out a tear, followed by many more.

She nodded her head and I pulled out my chair, running out of the class as Bridget suck out her foot and tripped me.

"Oh, sorry." She smirked.

I looked at her, tears streaming down down my face. Whatever she was trying to prove, it was proven. She won whatever game she was playing.

I pulled myself up, ran out of the doors, slid my body down the wall, and let myself cry.

"What the hell?" I heard a voice yell from the classroom, "Was that really necessary?"

Followed by the teacher yelling at Bridget to go to the office. The doors to room 231 opened and Bridget walked out. I covered my face and body, ready for the worst. I felt a body slide down next to mine and my breathing increased.

"You're welcome." She said seriously.

I looked up to see Bridget sitting next to me.

"Your welcome? Are you seriously saying that?" I snorted back.

"Yeah, you should actually be thanking me."

"Why is that?" I huffed.

I can't believe she thinks I would ever be thankful for what she did, I was competely mortified in there.

"Christian listen." She said softly, "Any chance of Louis liking me now is gone. I realized taking him away last class was stupid. I don't like him, not even a little, but I know you do. So I thought if I did that maybe he would hate me and move on. I'm not a great person, I wouldn't even say I'm a good person, but I'm not a terrible person."

I was shocked, no words came to my mouth. I just hugged her and we both went our seprate ways. She went to the office and I went back to class. I slowly opened the door and everyone turned to look at me. I walked over to Jake and he gave me a hug.

"She is such a b-" He started.

"Don't say that, you hate saying bad words and you know, I kind of like Bridget, she means well." I smiled.

"What?" He said in shock

"Don't worry about it, why don't we start with editing, yeah?"

"Right, um Chris? Did you hit your head when you fell?" He laughed.

"Oh shh!" I giggled.

We worked on his picture first, his eyes were a bit red and his had a pimple on his right cheek so we covered it up. The class ended shortly after and I packed up my stuff to leave.

"Christian!" Louis called.

I was going to let him talk to me, Bridget gave me a chance and I'm not shutting him down this time.

"Hi Louis." I smiled.

"I'm sorry she did that to you, she is just awful, I didn't know she was like that." He shook his head.

She was right, he now thought she was terrible, but why would she do that for me?

"She not that bad Louis, but thank you."

"You know, um the first football game of the season is tonight."

"Yeah, it seems like fun, we are actually kind of good." I laughed.

"Yeah they are always super fun, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me?" He smiled.

"Yes, Louis I would love to." I blushed.

"Well, umm cool, can I have your number so I can maybe get your address and stuff?"

"Of course." I smiled.

After I gave Louis my number he walked to his next period with a promise to text me tonight.

"Thank you Bridget." I said with the biggest grin as I walked off to Chemistry.

Who knew that one day I would be thanking Bridget Taylor.

Yay! They are actually going on their first date! So yeah Christian was kind of trying to block him from her life, but finally she decided to let herself be happy! And Bridget? Did you ever see that coming? Not such a lemon now is she?

How do you guys feel about Bridget?

What do you think is going to happen on the Couis date?

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