Chapter 7

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Wow! Massive thank you to everyone reading so far! We got to my goal in less than 8 hours.. Wtf?!? I guess I have to set a new goal! You guys are crazy awesome! I love you! Sorry the last chapter was shit and I'm sorry because apparently everyone and their mother hates cliff hangers! 😂 so I guess this is kind of like a double update? All the pictures on the side or at the top is kind of the stage I see the characters at, most are fetus.
Thank you guys so much for all the support I love you xx

This is a double update so make sure to read chapter 6 before this!!

"Louis this is not the time!" I rolled my eyes as I turned around, surprised to see a different face starring back.

"Sorry you were expecting someone different." He laughed.

"No, no it's really nice to see you instead actually." I smiled.

"It's nice to see you too." He smiled back.

We walked together side by side to class, making small talk on the way.

"Christian I know you may not think of me like this and you have Louis and whatever, but would you maybe want to go on a date or something?" He blushed.

"You want to go on a date with me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Umm yeah, of course why wouldn't I?" He smiled, "There is a new ice cream parlor that just opened by my house, I thought maybe we could drive over after school?"

"Yeah, that sounds great, I would love that." I smiled before we turned separate ways to go to class.

As I entered the classroom I remembered one thing, what Niall said or maybe it was Liam, either way, it's not just one person in the world that is capable of making you happy or sad, it's many people.

"Everyone please settle down." The teacher called as he handed out our math packets.

Eww, I hate math. Why is this even a thing honesty? We have rulers, measuring cups, and calculators for a reason people.

I went through the packet and completed most of it, I hated math but I was good at it.


I turned to see a beautiful blonde girl next to me, Possy maybe?

"Sorry to bother you, I know we don't really know eachother but I'm your Photoshop Class and I really don't understand this packet at all!" She giggled.

Ahh Perrie! That's her name!

"Yeah of course I can help." I smiled back.

We worked through most of the packet before she piped up about something other than math.

"Can I ask you something Christian?"

"Sure." I replied.

"How do you not let boys walk all over you? You are very good at standing up for yourself. Zayn and I were parked next to you guys, we heard everything. Like damn girl you know how to take charge and be a bitch!" She giggled, "I mean don't get me wrong Zayn is amazing, the best "boyfriend" I've ever had but it's just it's happened in the past and I can't let it happen again."

I'm terrible at advice, I always have been. It bets me why people always come to me with their problems.

"Well I guess it's like a math problem. You have your variable and then you have the numbers. Let's say the guy is the variable. You hate the variable because he is like the most important part of the problem because you have to solve for him so it's like he is in charge and doesn't care about the other numbers, in this case those numbers are you. Anyway you go through this huge long equation and the whole way through its all about the variable."

"Christian." She cut me off, "I don't understand, where is this going exactly?"

"Nowhere really, just let me finish. Finally you finish the equation and if you did it right, the variable is on one side and the numbers are on the other side. You are finally done and you a much happier than when you started. You are finally away from the variable and everything is good. Did that make any sense?"

"No." She laughed.

"Well what I mean is just think about what it's going to be like in the end, without the bad in your life you become much happier." I smiled.

"You know what thank you Christian!" She said as she hugged me.

I didn't know how this happened. Before I talked to Louis I had like one friend and now I'm getting hugged by like ten different people. I honestly couldn't say I hated it, it was pretty nice.
As Perrie left my table my phone buzzed in my pocket.

*Unknown number*
Ice cream and then mini golf tonight, sound good? :D

I really need to save his number soon.

I replied with a "yes I can't wait! :)".

*Unknown number*
Great meet me out front after school, Young, don't make me wait ;)!"

A/N: Her last name is Young if anyone didn't catch that

A smile spread across my face as I replied with "no promises."

The bell rang and I walk out of the door into the hallway. As I turned the corner a move object collided with my body.

My papers flew everywhere and i huffed in announces.

"I'm sorry." The person sighed.

I looked up and our eyes met.

"Wouldn't be the first time Tomlinson." I hissed.

"Christian please, just listen." he asked gently.

"Leave me alone Louis." I said before grabbing the remaining papers and walking in the opposite direction.

Another cliff hanger.. Who is the mystery boy? ;) Any guesses?
P.S. Hope you liked the double update! Xx

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