Chapter 6

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Merry Christmas!! 🎄 What did you guys get? I got money for Tickets to OTRA 😍. Anyway I got soooooo many questions about this and yes Liam and Niall are boyfriends and are completely gay in this story. I don't really ship it too hard but I think they are pretty cute together! I'm soo very sorry that it's so short!
Love you guys ❤️

The next next morning came and so did the haunting memories of last night. It's crazy how fast we judge a book by its cover, when in reality the pages could hold something much different then what we had once thought. That holds true for people as well. Louis Tomlinson was the book I judged by its cover.

I turned my attention to my phone, I pushed the power button a message came up, of course from Louis. My heart rate began to increase, not like it used to though. My heart used to flutter at his kind words and fill with love, all I feel now is betrayal and anger.

Louis .•*
Hey.. Umm so I know you never want to go on a date with me again or be friends or even talk to me for that matter but I hope you know I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I like you Christian. I guess after yesterday that's hard to believe because I was a giant dick, but it's true. I know that doesn't fix anything and I don't expect you to forgive me but if you need anything, ever, I'm here okay?
Bye Christian.

It's fun how we promise ourselves things, you know? Often we never keep the promise anyway. So for once I didn't promised myself I wouldn't text Louis back, I just didn't.

I put my phone back on my nightstand and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. Closing my eyes I let the tears well inside.

He isn't going to break me. I'm strong.

Where the words I repeated over and over again as the tears streamed down my cheeks. I starred at myself in the mirror for sometime until I finally got it together and wiped my tears with my sleeve. I pulled out my makeup and started to drag all the brushes over my face.

"Christan?" I heard Lexi call down the hall.

"In here Lex." I called back as i finshed my makeup and pulled my hair back.

She opened the door and sat on the counter, "So how was last night?"

"It could have been worse, well maybe." I sighed, "It was pretty awful."

"Aww Chris I'm sorry." She said bending over to give me a hug.

"It's fine it's a new day, right?" I smiled.

"Now you can go after Jake." She winked.

"Well actually I met someone at the game last night." I laughed, "Am I a slut Lex?"

"Oh shut up! You're my slut." She laughed with me.

I put everything away and Lexi climbed off counter, we grabbed a few things from the kitchen and made our way to school.

"Deep breaths Christian everything is going to be okay." Lexi reminded me as we walked up the steps to school.

To my left was Louis dumb group.

"Hey Christian!" Addy smirked at me, "Oh what's wrong? Didn't have a good night last night? Darn!"

She looked me in the eye before laughing and bring Louis into a kiss.

"Can you stop being a bitch for once?" Niall shouted grabbing who I assumed is Liam and walked over to us.

"Um hey Christian." Niall said scratching his neck.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"Sorry, they are all kind of dicks." He sighed.

"It's okay." I smiled, "You must be Liam."

"Oh yes, Christian this is my perfect amazing gorgeous boyfriend Liam." Niall smiled at him in affection.

"Nice to meet you Christian." He pulled me into a hug.

"Wow." I laughed a little, "You guys a so freaking cute! Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." They said in unison.

"Is it real? This whole love thing? Do you believe in soulmates?"

They both laughed so hard they held their stomachs.

"No Christian that's all bullshit." Liam laughed.

"He's right Chris." Niall agreed, "Love is overrated. Soulmates aren't real. You might find someone that you like and you will spend some time together, maybe forever, but that doesn't mean there isn't someone out there that couldn't make you just as happy."

"Do I love Niall? Yes, but that doesn't mean if Channing Tatum came up and ask me to marry him I would say no, fuck Niall I would say yes." Liam laughed.

"And I would attend the wedding!" Niall laughed along with him.

I laughed as the bell rang for the start of school.

"Bye Christian see you later maybe?" Liam and Niall said as the hugged me.

I nodded and made my way to first period.

I found it crazy that two people so in love would say that, but it definitely opened my eyes. Not everything was like fairytales, this is real life and nothing is perfect in real life. Love wasn't what I thought it was and maybe that made it easier to be happy.

"Christian can we talk?" I heard a voice behind me.

Ohhhhhhh cliff hanger!

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