If you need guidance

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Everything about Tyler Joseph was absolutely perfect.

From the way he danced on stage to the way he danced in his old vines.

From the way he acted all serious during shows to the way he was bursting out with laughter at interviews.

From the way he smiled at younger fans to the way he bullied them with simple 'I don't care about your birthday'.

All the small cracks in his raspy voice.

All the beautiful, clear, long notes he could hit with such ease, even live.

All the adorable smiles he would let the world see when the arena turned out to know the lyrics better than his own drummer, Ashley.

And even all the short zone-outs Tyler would occasionally have during press conferences.

Josh was finding all of that absolutely angelic, too ideal to be true and perfect. There was no other way to describe the man's being in Josh's eyes. Perfect. Angelic. Ideal.

And don't get me wrong, Josh knew that he wasn't the only one fangirling over Tyler Joseph to the point where he kind of stalked him on every possible social media app ever created. His younger brother would often bully him for that.

'Being a teenager with a sick obsession over Zack Efron is one thing but being a grown ass man and fangirling over another grown ass man? That's strange, dude. Don't get me wrong, I support your passions but still. Kinda strange' Jordan would say.

But Josh had his own point of view at that story. The truth is, he had already talked to Tyler. He had that opportunity, they met, they talked, he even had his number - the only existing issue was that the number was no longer available as they met at one of the not-so-famous basement shows Tyler would do before Ashley Davidson joined the band. He remembered the whole encounter perfectly, even though seven years had already passed and the time wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon.

'Thank you all for coming to the show' Chris smiled at the group consisted of at least 40 teenagers smiling widely and cheering, 'We appreciate you guys a lot. Without you it all would be pointless'.

'Indeed, thanks. If anyone wants to see us live again, we'll be at Billy's around the corner. You can come get a drink, maybe a burger and most importantly talk to us if you'd like, that bar's sick as frick' Nick nodded in agreement, wrapping his arm around his friend who he had interrupted a few seconds before. The other just rolled his eyes and laughed, bowing one last time and beginning to pack up their stuff.

'Wrap it up, guys. I gotta be home before midnight' Tyler mumbled at the two, making them groan.

'You're not coming with us? Dude, you're so lame lately. Your parents wouldn't kill you for coming home a bit later than usual on Friday night for once in your life. You're fucking eighteen, Joseph. Get a life' Chris patted his shoulder but the smaller man just flinched.

'I'm fine with the one I am living now. Plus, I'm not feeling like going out and getting drunk today, not really my thing' the brunette sighed, running his hand through his curls, 'Somebody has to be the sober one in case you guys need a ride home later tonight, by the way'.

'You're finally making some sense, Joseph' Nick hummed, making the other two laugh. He soon joined in as well. Tyler's laugh seemed to be quieter, though.

Soon they were all packed up, a few teenagers still remaining in the room, discussing the concert they just were a part of. Nick and Chris offered Tyler a ride home but he declined their offer politely and waved at them with a soft smile. The two didn't think much as they left the building ready to get completely wasted at Billy's.

'H-Hey, man! Nice show tonight' Tyler heard a man's voice behind him and turned his head quickly.

'U-Uh, thanks. Means a lot' he cracked a smile and scratched his neck. 'And.. May I ask why especially tonight?'

'Oh, well, I... I've seen you guys perform a few times before but... Today the songs seemed to have more dynamics. I loved your little note change in Kitchen Sink. Quite amazing, really' the other boy smiled awkwardly, looking down at his feet and soon back up, his dark eyes meeting with Tyler's.

Tyler was quite shocked. Somebody noticed such a small change? Somebody paid so much attention to his vocals..? He couldn't help but grin, his cheeks growing rosy, 'You really heard that? Wow, thanks, man' he chuckled quietly. 'I didn't quite get your name, though?'

'O-Oh, shit, right, um... It's Josh. Joshua Dun' the other guy responded quickly, biting his lip. 'You're Tyler Joseph, obviously'

'Obviously' Tyler laughed and Josh immediately smiled, 'Why did you find today's show more... Dynamic?'

'Oh, I could feel your emotions from the last row. You're practically radiating truth...' the other answered quickly, frowning, 'I guess I could kind of feel this... Connection? Like, the feelings. Emotions. I could feel everything you said like if I was saying it. Or like if somebody was saying it all to me specially... You know?' he let out a dry chuckle, full of stress and awkwardness. 'I'm sorry. I must sound so stupid right now. You're probably in a rush and I'm only stopping you for no actual reason...' he mumbled out quickly, making Tyler's eyes widen.

'No! I mean, yeah, I'm in a rush but-' he cut himself off before grabbing his backpack and getting a piece of paper and a sharpie. He scribbled down a few numbers and handed the note to Josh. 'Here, call me or text me if you ever need to talk about this. Or text me via facebook if you're more comfortable that way. You seem like a cool guy, don't let THIS destroy your personality. I'm always available if you need some guidance. I might not be professional but... I understand' he finished with a reassuring smile on his pale face, before nodding at the other and grabbing his jacket, 'See you around, Joshua Dun' he hummed, patting his shoulder on his way out.

And yes, the two has seen each other around. Or at least Josh has seen Tyler around. He went to every basement show, then every small club show and even Tyler's solo performances at different petite galas. He adored the boy's voice so much and since his mom wouldn't ever let him listen to such 'depressing' music on his kinda old and trash MP3, he figured out the way to not miss a single chance to hear his idol.

And even after seven years, the band was a big part of his life. He never stopped attending ever possible show in Columbus. He had tons of band merch. And (the thing he was most proud of) he could play every Twenty One Pilots song on drums. Indeed, ever since Josh first heard Tyler's music, he wanted to be a part of his band. Covering different songs on the drums and imagining he was on stage with Tyler was the only thing keeping him sane.

So that's pretty much how Josh started his career as a youtuber. He first posted a video of his covering Johnny Boy by Twenty One Pilots on the drums and it immediately blew up. He gained quite a big amount of subscribers in the first few weeks which only motivated him to work harder, post more videos and after four months of posting only drumming ones, he got so many questions that he decided to record a short q&a and soon after that he started vlogging as well.

After seven years of hard work and loads of montage he was quite a successful youtuber with around five million subscribers. He was definitely the most popular one in the whole clique, to be completely honest. Josh honestly loved his job. He made enough money to buy an apartment of his own in the city centre and even though Jordan was more than willing to move in with him, he remained solo - unless we count the dog. He had adopted a dog and called him Jim to not die out of loneliness. Jim would never leave him for anything, right? Damn right.

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