the first oneshot

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nobody's POV

well when joe came to work one day with an animal career everyone expected a dog but what he got out was a cat. the cat was a healthy black cat with black eyes he would follow cruz around and pace around when he was out on a call, he wouldn't get scared by sirens or a call coming in. this confused everyone except for cruz the cats name was shadow which at first people thought fit him but once everyone new and was a custom to him being around they realized he was not normal. he would jump on to cruz's lap and just sit there and cruz would actionaly pet him, he would just sit in the place cruz was when he would leave. when heard someone talking bad about him or cruz he would get mad hiss and swat at them he would watch cruz cook and cruz would make him food too, he would sleep in the bed next to cruz and he would watch stuff with him, he was anything but a shadow he would go outside and come back follow cruz outside not be scared but there was something else hear:

there was a big mall fire so all of the units were sent out no one was hurt but the last thing anyone expected was to hear laughter from the front end of the squad truck. Herman walked over and did a double take and looked at the laughing cruz and asked "man what do you feed that cat" 2 seconds later the black cat jumped out and looked curiously at the firefighter that he had come accustomed to seeing everyday. Cruz stopped laughing and picked up his pet and held it and pet it efectionectly and the cat started to purr. the entirety of the house was staring at either cruz or shadow and they all slowly got in to either the ambo or the trucks them all confused or surprised. all except for cruz, he had the biggest smile that was humanly possible.

when they got back, half of 51 was confused and the other half had questions glor. so when cruz took his normal seat at the squad table he was met with either confused looks or questions. with no hesitation like he knew what would happen he just got up with an unreadable expression and went to his bunk and just laid there. as the cat just laying at the end of his bed when he saw most of 51 come over he hissed and swatted. which made joe smirk sit up and the cat happily sat in between his legs and purred because of the calming pets he received from his friend and just lead against joe as he fell asleep, with the whole firehouse watching. he just sat there and joe made no notice that they were even there so they just left and joe made sure no one was around, he picked up the cat and went out side were they could not be seen.

he sat against a wall the cat next to him in a flash of light there was no longer a cat next to joe a man about his height with black hair and eyes was in its place. otis. the only motion that the other man made of even ecnoleting it was the swift arm he placed around his competition, pulling him close so that the sleepy man was warm and comfortable and as he had 5 minutes earlier, he closed his eyes and curled up on the other man. Joe was not affected except the small smile on his face he placed his head on his friend which otis' head happen to fall on cruz's shoulder they were both comfortable and before anyone saw them cruz kissed the head of his lover.

otis had showed up a year after his "death" and revealed that he could shapeshift and he and cruz got closer and closer to the point they didn't even have to ask for the first date. the power otis was given he shared with cruz, they could both fly and shape shift. otis knew that he could count on cruz to help him and keep to himself the fact he was still alive, well he was on earth at least. he knew he was not supposed to die and he still wanted to see his other friends so he would shapeshift into a cat and go to work with his boyfriend but he wouldn't act like a normal cat just because he wanted to be around everyone but the big thing was he would be there after a rough call and he would be able to comfort cruz he know today would be hard for him because of a power he had to see glimpses of the future so he hopped into the truck while everyone was getting ready for the call. once he knew everyone was out of the squad tuck he hopped up on to the drivers seat and just waited for the sad cruz to open the door and see him sitting there, just flicking his tail back and forth.

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