the continuation of flowing blood

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so this is the way I see happening after the end of it, if the author is reading this I am sorry if this is no the way you wanted it to go and if you have not read it then the only way this will make secne is if you read it and if you want me to contiute any of these oneshots then put a comment if you do on the one shot you want to be contude otherwise I will make only new one


nobody's POV

once otis woke up he seemed refreshed, he didn't seem back to normal though. he still wasn't smiling and he was extremely jumpy, but cruz was worse. he was extremely sad from the new news he and only he knew, he knows there faces, all three of them. herman was supposed to make a full recovery, joe felt responsible for what happen to both of his friends. otis did not blame his friend though, they were both to ancish to eat so the decided to just sit on the couch and watch TV. slowly they began to inch toward each other for comfort, they had come up with a silent agreement to not tell the guys that they both slept in the same bed. even if it was for comfort for them both, just a little embarrassing. they started to watch some random show when joe looked over at his friend and studied him for a moment, which just made him more sad. otis still had all of the bruises that he got for the attackers, but they were fading but that didn't mean the mental scars were. somehow they ended up shoulder to shoulder but of course neither of them said anything, until otis spoke.

"why did you choose to stay here, this has made me more of a burden on all of you" otis said in a serious voice, which made cruz's heart stop.

"no this is not your fault and I would have stayed home even if chief didn't tell me, also your not a burden at least not to me" cruz said trying to make otis see he was not alone in a heartfelt voice. this caused otis to look at him with a questioning look, like he didn't believe him. Cruz was being kind and continued to study otis' wounds and placed a hand on the shoulder that the bruise lead to, this made otis flinch at the suden touch, fidget and feel weird. Cruz could see that in his friend and pulled him into a gentle hug to comfort him, in turn otis buried his face in his friend's shoulder feeling tears in his eyes. they stayed like that for about 5 minutes, this is what they need each other both there to comfort the other.

"hey there you little liar" was said in Russian out side of the door. otis picked his head up and started to shake, cruz got up and lead him to his bedroom and locked the door and hoped the guys thought they weren't there because of how quite they were. he was wrong, as he heard the front door open he also heard small sobs and realized otis was crying. slowly he sat on the bed and hugged his sobbing friend who only sobbed more as he buried his face in cruz's chest, he was sad and scared that cruz and him would have to go through the tourcher he had gone through not so many nights ago again. while otis sobbed cruz was texting mouch, hoping to god that he would read it in time. the people that attacked otis are invading our apartment please help. he sent it realizing he was crying too, he wanted to help comfort otis more but he only had one thought as to how.

meanwhile at the firehouse it was a slow day until mouch got a text, one that desturbed him to the core. he immediately called over Casey so they could get there as fast as possible. once everyone heard what was happening they all were in the trucks in about 15 seconds, also in the panic mouch called trudy and told her what was happening. so half of the police station was on it.

back at the apartment the two were still sitting on cruz's bed, otis wrapped all the way around cruz arms and legs clinging to him and burying his face in his friends chest sobbing. cruz had his arms wrapped around the scared man, he could do one thing to help him but didn't think it the best to do in this position. as he heard the men burglarize there home he thought, screw it. he gently lifted otis head and kissed his cheek wanting to comfort more, only one kiss but it seemed to relax otis a bit. he closed his eyes and laid his head on his friend's shoulder, snuggling into his neck. then they heard the sirens of a lot of police cars, 2 firetrucks and an ambulance. they both sided in relief and got off of each other and remembered the bathroom was connected to cruz's room like a bolt of lightning otis got up and locked the door that connected the bathroom to the rest of the house. right after heard one of the men trying to opening the door and yell in frustration, also trying to pry it open to no avail.

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