the continuation of How beautiful it is to exist

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                             I have nothing to say but YES, sorry to the author if this is not to your liking.

nobody's POV

severide made a great recovery and since then everyone has been happier and more cautious, being upbeat was what everyone wanted and needed to do. but something always happens to being the spirits to a bleek state, in a way it could be anything or one who got hurt or just misfortune. like if someone were to find out that a one shift firehouse 51 were werewolves or the hospital staff and police department, so if someone isn't dying or being assaulted others just seemed to keep their own problems to themselves and tell people later when they can laugh about it. most of the older people at 51 have story beyond anyone's comprehension, fears or desires, like 'this women on the news said some girl had cancer and was paralized at the same time which was really uncommon' or 'a man came out on twitter that he was an alpha but in our way and no one made fun or anything just thought it was a joke' and 'a man was arrested and wasn't taken to the right place and the doctors who were making sure he was ready for poison found he was an omega' and better and worst. so things could always be better but could also always be worst, so if someone got super sick they just went to the hospital no big deal. but when it is not most of the time the betas can detect it and can ask, but when otis and cruz are hit with the worst news imaginable they try to hide it as much as they can as to not bring people's spirits down from what happened to them because kelly just got out of recovery.

7 months after kelly's accident...........

Cruz and otis came back to there apartment after going to the hospital because otis didn't feel normal which inturn made cruz not feel normal, the news they got was horrifying and made their lives change in an instant with a sentence which went as follows.

the doctor comes in looking sad and talks to otis and says "we now that you have always had ovarian scits but it appears you also have ovarian cancer on both ovaries, but we caught it very early so we need you to go through chemo not strong chemo that makes your hair fall out but the kind that shrinks the tumor a little bit so we can remove them but that also means we have to remove your ovaries I am really sorry for you guys" then the doctor leaves them alone to talk about the information that they have just heard.

now while sitting in bed both cruz and otis were just laying there in silence and comforting each other with their presents, silently debating in their minds whether or not to tell the others. The others in the pack find otis and cruz the 'perfect match' and 'best for each other' or 'kind and helping others before themselves' and 'our favorite people to be around and to comfort us' was said about them on multiple occasions everyone found them trying to stay positive in every way, even in the most dire circumstances. if anyone heard about this then it would just make them all sad again and they don't want another scene or anything, the doctor said they caught it early so it wouldn't affect anyone else right? otis and cruz haven't really said anything to each other other than things like 'it's time to go' or 'are you hungry' but otis gets worried, what if cruz is mad at him for now them not being able to have kids?

"I'm sor-" otis chokes on his words as he starts to cry, this makes cruz go into loving mate mode and he holds otis to his chest as they both cry.

"it's going to be ok, shhhh" cruz said soothingly as he starts to rub otis' back "this is common in your people and that's not your fault" cruz continued as he lifted otis' head and wiped the tears out of his eyes and kissed the rest away that were on his cheeks and then kissed him softly to calm him down.

what he meant was that otis was a werecat unlike there coworkers and cruz himself, werewolves and werecats don't get along most of the time but since there are only a few of either side they just ignore each other. if they are asked while at someones house or at the firehouse they will both say they don't want to or are uncomfortable with the place or circumstance, they chose to lie so they weren't shund for there relationship. also the bialigy for both breeds was similar so that they can just say otis is a werewolf, which also means he can talk to the other omegas about heat and stuff without getting looked at funny for having something different.

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