Chapter 5

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"What are you doing behind here?" he asked confused.

Oh no! i couldn't face him, not now! not after what just happen i'll DIE! i hid my tear stained face. Instead i changed the subject.

"You did really well!" i said and managed a little smile.

He frowned.

"You haven't answered my question Summer!" and he walked closer to me until we were just a couple of inches away from nose to nose.

He peered at me.

"Oh Summer, what's wrong?" he said looking sorry for me.

Oh yeah like i'm going to tell HIM what's wrong. i turned away quickly.

"Nothings wrong!" i tried to sound firm but my voice wobbled.

"I got something in my eye..." i mumbled but still loud enough for him to hear.

He laughed.

"Oh come ON Summer that's the oldest trick in the book surely a smarty pants like you would know that, IF your as smart as you make out to be unless your a FAKE" he sounded...odd.

i looked back at him, deep into his eyes, however this time he broke the contact.

"Why are you scowling at me like that, what's wrong with YOU?!" i noticed a gathering of all his friends including Madison.

Then I totally changed i felt furious. Just because he feels like he needs to show off in front of his friends, gives him NO right to be a jerk towards me.

"ME! what's wrong with YOU! Why are you all of a sudden acting like a JERK!" i shouted.

He looked taken back then guilty.

"I..." but i didn't let him say anything else. i pushed passed him and his stupid jocks, and Madison she scowled but i ignored it.

I ran as fast a i could and didn't look back. i ran straight to the car and told mum to take me home right now. She didn't think twice about asking questions she took me straight home. Then i ran upstairs pushing passed Clyde, slammed my door shut, tugged off my boots so hard i twisted my ankle, then laid on my bed sobbing.

Maybe i was being stupid. i didn't care! i know it sounded silly i had only known Mason for not even a month, but i really felt i...well...loved him. i thought he was someone i could plenge every fiber of my heart too. Maybe i had to big an imagination, or maybe i had imagined Mason up altogether!

All i knew was, that i really didn't want to speak to ANYONE right now. That was until Clyde came bounding into my room.

"Why are you in bed? It's not bed time silly! Wakey wakey!" he said shaking me.

"CLYDE go away!" i shouted but he ignored me and shook me harder.

"Ugh! i mean IT! Get LOSSED!"

"No stupid it isn't beddie byes yet!" he said clutching his beloved teddie bear.

i had, had ENOUGH. So i had no choice but to do it! i grabbed his teddie hanked it so hard it had ripped a little, out his fat little fists and chucked it out my room through the banister and it fell onto the landing floor with a little 'clash'.

Clyde's mouth dropped then he burst into tears and wailed,

"You MEANNIE!!! Look what you did to poor Mr. Snuggles!" he said blubbering.

But i still felt spiteful! i snorted.

"Don't be a pathetic spoilt little BABY!" Then i pushed him out my room and slammed the door.

Girl meets boy (On hold for a VERY VERY loooonnnhgggg time due to major editing)Where stories live. Discover now