Chapter 2

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Stepping inside Heavecote felt so strange, even though i had been here before. Either my mind was still in a daze as i looked around the posh reception and that i was actually here at Heavecote Acadamy or it was my brain sending a message to my stomach telling me to puke.

Either one i didn't like the feeling. When we had been greeted by the head teacher Mrs Wallbanger, an odd middle age lady who looks like she's never smiled in her LIFE, who, after i had said good bye to mum, guided me to my form room for regesteration.

I trailed after her, keeping my head down low. Thank god, i have long hair so i can hide behind it! I had met my tutor Miss Madly at my induction, she seemed quite nice, i remember acting shyly when i met her for the first time. i mumbled stupidly and she told me not to worry and that she didn't bite, then she smiled showing all her pearly white teeth. I knew what i thought:

'you can't trust people with teeth as good as that!'

However she seemed friendly, so it wasnt really Miss Madly i worried about meeting it was the the nitnth grade who had total blanked me the last time i saw them. i didn't really see many kids on my induction, but enough to know im trash beside them.

Suddenly i felt a bit...scared. What was going to happen when i entered that classroom??

Mrs Wallbanger opened a pale green door and walked inside. Now I was in front of the large class i didn't want to be in front of, however i had no choice.

i needed to use all my strength to stop me from running right out again.

"This is Summer Jones..." said Mrs Wallbanger.

A group of cheerleaders in green uniform, snickered.

" you probably know Summer is new to Heavecote Acadamy so i want you to make sure she feels welcome." she looked over at Miss Madly.

"Thank you Mrs Wallbanger and welcome Summer i'm sure you will all make Summer feel welcome." she smiled at me and the class.

"Well have a nice day Summer and good morning year 9." Mrs Wallbanger said and then walking out closed the door behind her.

As soon as Mrs Wallbanger had left the room, everyone started talking, whispering and pointing at me. Miss Madly clapped her hands.

"Settle down class!" she said in a raised voice.

The class quieten down but you could still hear the odd snicker.

"Right Summer you can sit next in the spare desk across from Madison's please dear." she pointed to the desk across from one of the cheerleaders.

i trailed over as the rest of the class eyed me up. i sat down, unpacked my things, and slumped in my seat. The cheerleader next to me leaned over to my desk and smiled sweetly.

"Hey hon, so your name's Summer interesting name..." she started batting her thick masscara eye lashes.

i thought that i would actually have someone being nice to me in this dump. I did like the school it was just the people in it that sucked. Apart from this cheerleader being nice to me or so i thought...

Her mouth turned into a snarl.

"...i have a cousin you see...she's called... Winter!!!!" and all her chums started laughing as well.

"Nice one Madison!" one of them said.

i sulked in my seat, hot tears irritating the corners of my eyes. i felt my face burning up, as if my brain was over heating no surprise seen as i stuff it with equations and conectives. i couldn't take it!!!!!!! i hated being here!!!!!

I wanted to say something, stick up for myself as i opened my mouth...the bell rung for first period. Damn! i re-packed my bag and sloped off to English. Lessons weren't to bad i liked learning and i liked our teacher too Mrs Lopez. She could be quite stricked but because i'm a pathetic goody-goody, i don't have any problem because i'm never naughty.

However maths was a different story. I most definatly HATED our maths teacher. Mr Ross. I'm very good at maths it's one of my strongest subject, however Mr Ross treated me like i was as dumb as the two pompoms sticking out of Madison's prada handbag.

"Now can you all please work out this alegbra equation...4nx5n(5n-7n)-5+1."

i was the first to finish,but Mr Ross picked on everything i had done. He said i had worked it out all wrong, and that i obviously didn't have a clue about alegbra.


i couldn't believe my ears!!!

i was relieved when lunch came and i could just hide in the girls toliets. i eventually had to come out again to get my lunch cause i was starving. i bought my usual tuna sandwich, yogurt and pot of fruit. And sat in my usual loner spot in the corner of the caf. i was so induldged in my tuna sandwich i didn't notice someone talking to me. Until i eventually looked whole body got swallowed up in the deep blue eyes staring down at me.

He was AMAZING!!! Perfect brown hair, the kind with the long fringe that hung in his beautiful blue eyes. I'm sure he was saying something but i couldn't hear what it was as if it was only me and him in the whole world. Something Mrs Lopez would call a cliché but seriously it actually felt like it.

He looked a little irritated now, i guess i was ignoring him.

"Sorry um... what did you say...?" i said still gazing into his deep blue eyes.

He smiled.

"Err...i was just wondering if i could borrow this chair, is anyone siting here?" he said pointing to the chair next to me. He flicked his gorgeous hair out his eyes.

i sat still gazing up at him. He was at least 2 inches taller than me. i couldn't help it but stare, he probably thought i was a total werido, i felt my self blush.

"Oh yeah...i mean no the chair isn't taken...and well yeah you can have it...well you know borrow it...not have it i don't think the lunch ladies would like it if you took it..." i babbled, laughing nervously at my own stupid joke.

i was screaming at myself from inside. i hated myself for acting like an complete idiot. i bet he thought i was a right nuthead. But you know the funny thing...he laughed. Not at me, but at what i had said! Like he actually thought what i had said was funny.

i blushed. His smile was just...dazzling. Then he leaned down, i could smell his aftershave and soapy smell, as he whispered into my ear.

"Well you can tell the lunch ladies not to worry, i promise to give it back." he straightened up and laughed.

"See you around then." and he lifted the chair up with his big strong arms and carried it over to the jock table.

i totally melted on the spot. He actually spoke to me!!!!!!OMG!!!! i couldn't believe it. this incredible gorgeous and utterly hot guy just came up to me and asked to borrow the chair that was next to me. Plus he actually laughed at my pathetic joke. For once someone laughed at somehing i had said and not at ME!!! i felt like i had flown to the moon and back!!! i felt like i could do anything, i had soared up into the fluffy clouds and was sitting on one with cupid.

Could it really be that i was falling love for the first time?????

For the rest of lunch i skipped down the halls and said hello to everyone i past. Some people said some mean remarks about my long skirt, but i didn't care. i was too happy!!!!

After 14 years i had finally found my prince charming!!!!!!

i was in a good mood all the way until i got of the bus and into my house. i skipped inside hugged my mum and picked up Clyde spinning him around till he squealed.

"Are you ok dear?" mum said spinning on her heel.

"Never better!" i gushed, and ran upstairs and jumped on my bed.

That night i dreamed out my mystery charming, and thought that maybe just maybe school was going to become a whole lot better.

Girl meets boy (On hold for a VERY VERY loooonnnhgggg time due to major editing)Where stories live. Discover now