Chapter 15

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"Lydia, I'm not saying you have to pretend to be someone you're not," Delia insists, clutching various clothing items to her chest. "It's just very important that we're all dressed in a way that my parents would approve of. You remember how they can be."

"Yes, Delia, I do. But I'm not wearing something that," I scrunch my nose. "Bright." The clothes Delia picked out are basically a kaleidoscope of bright, warm hues. "It's just not my style." I go over to my closet and begin digging through some options. Dark wines, berries, purples, and blacks were much more my speed, and not at all distasteful for the fall season. I pull out a striped sweater dress.

"Oh, I forgot you had that. You don't wear it that often. It's nice, you can wear that," Delia says, sounding a little frantic yet. She always freaks out when her parents come to visit, insisting on making everything perfect. They get under her skin the same way Delia can get under mine. Delia gives the dress another look, trying to find anything in it that would make it an unacceptable option. "Um, just, light makeup, please. No dark and edgy accessories."

"Yes, Delia, I know. I'm not going to do anything to make this night hard on you," I start to usher her out of the room. "You've already got BJ coming to dinner, I can't make things worse for you," I smile sweetly. Delia stops in her tracks.

"He is going to behave, right? You two didn't plan any tricks or anything?"

"He'll be fine, I was just messing with you. I even told him not to try anything. Tonight is going to be great. Now, unless you want me going to dinner in my pajamas, you should really leave." Delia nods and leaves the room. I can hear her rush down the stairs to check on how the food is coming.

I help Delia set the table. Rather, I set the table and Delia goes to reset it behind me. I wanted to snap at her, but again, I know she's only stressed out. The doorbell rings and Delia nearly jumps out of her skin.

"I got it," I say, getting to the door before anyone else can. I open the door and Dad's parents are there. "Grandma, Grandpa, hi!" I exclaim with a smile. I can see Delia relax out of the corner of my eye.

"Lydia, sweetie, it is so nice to see you again!" Grandma wraps me in a hug immediately, planting a kiss on my cheek in the way only grandmothers can do.

"It's nice to see you too, please come in," I hold the door open for them, and they come in. Grandma gushes about how nice the house looks and goes to give Delia a hug. "We just finished setting the table. We're waiting on a few more people right now."

"Oh, that's okay, Lydia. Where's your father?" Grandpa asks, sliding his coat off. Dad calls that he's in the kitchen and I take Grandma and Grandpa's coats. I hang them up on the coat hooks by the door.

"Lydia, what have you been up to since you've been home?" Grandma asks, leading me over to the couch to talk.

"I've been studying to get my GED. Other than that, I've just been enjoying being home," I smile, standing near the couch. "Can I get you anything until everyone else arrives?"

Grandma shakes her head and pats the couch next to her. "No, no dear, please just come sit. I'm sure you've had more going on than that."

The doorbell rings again, allowing me to excuse myself to answer the door. Delia's parents, Katherine and George, were standing in the doorway as poised as ever. They were always dressed and groomed meticulously. Even their smiles were meticulous, almost rehearsed to show sincerity but not too much joy.

"Katherine, George, it's so nice to see you again," I greet them. Delia rushes over to the door to greet them as well.

"It's been too long," Katherine says, her voice warm and welcoming. "Delia, the house looks nice."

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