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Melina began to assist Mariette in her training. In a way, it was more comfortable to be trained by a woman, but Mariette instantly preferred Nicolas. Melina became easily impatient, and had trouble explaining things to Mariette. Soon, Melina gave up all together, and simply observed their practices.

For some reason, this caused Nicolas to become increasingly clumsy. Once, when Melina was not present, Mariette questioned him of it.

He blushed. "Mariette, you cannot be as blind as all that. Melina is-is a very beautiful woman. Who-who I've known for a very long time..."

"Nicolas!" Mariette gasped, and she was smiling. "You care for her, don't you?"

His eyes widened. "You didn't know?"

"Oh course not, Nicolas; don't be absurd!" Mariette began to laugh but regretted it as she caught the expression on Nicolas's face. "Oh, Nicolas," she said quietly, placing a hand on his arm. "You must tell her. What kind of man expects the woman to just know?"

He sighed. "That's just the problem. She does know...I told her years ago, but we had shared a few drinks and I don't think she thought I was serious. Besides, why would I want her to know? A woman like that...she would only laugh."

Mariette put an arm around him and hugged him companionably. "She would not. Any woman would be lucky to have you." He raised an eyebrow at her and she blushed. She said hastily, "Not me!"

He laughed. "I know; I was only joking. I'll make you a deal. I'll tell Melina that I care for her when you tell Winslow that you care for him."

She blushed. "I'm not even sure that I do. Things with Winslow...they're complicated."

He smiled sadly. "Often, the strongest of love is complicated."

"I wonder if he tried to find me...," Mariette murmured distantly. "He's probably very angry with me."

"If I know Winslow, he tried to find you. He's probably still trying to find you. That man is as stubborn as a mule."

"Who's as stubborn as a mule?" Melina said, stepping into the tent.

"Nicolas," Mariette replied instantly. "Now, if you excuse me, I believe he has something to tell you." She winked at him, and felt a little bad at her forced confession, but it was too late to take it back.

The next day, Melina approached Mariette.

"Did you know?" she asked bluntly, but she did not seem angry.

Mariette nodded. "Of course. I can't believe you didn't. What-" she was apprehensive suddenly, "what did you tell him?"

Melina smiled wistfully. "What else? You must know how I feel, if you were able to read Nicolas so easily. I have always loved him, just a little, so it was a great relief to hear that he returns my affections. To be honest," she blushed a little, "I thought that he was in love with you."

Mariette laughed aloud. "Me? Why would he be in love with me when you're nearby? Really, Melina, what are you thinking?"

She shrugged sheepishly. "The two of you spent so much time together...I could only assume."

"Ladies!" Monsieur called out suddenly, causing the girls to jump. "Justwhat are you doing? Talking the day away? We have a show in two minutes!"

Mariette, who was already dressed, realized that she had done nothing with her hair and quickly began twisting a piece on top into an intricate braid. Soon, the flaps of the curtain were being pulled back and the sounds of the carnival assaulted her ears.

She exited the tent fluently, and then froze in shock. Outside, guards bearing the king's colors were carefully studying the girls. Mariette pulled her thin scarf over her face, hoping that none among them would recognize her. She continued to dance throughout the crowd, trying her hardest to avoid the soldiers (luckily, the other girls had the exact opposite thought, and were traipsing around them and them only). Soon, they drew the guards into the tent, along with most of the audience. Mariette began to count in her head, assuring herself that by the time a minute had passed, they would be sufficiently distracted by the girls.

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply for a few minutes, spinning away from the tent to collect her thoughts. When she opened them, she found herself gazing at Winslow.

She could not move, her limbs became paralyzed, but he was quick enough for the both of them. Though he was an easy ten yards away, he gasped, "Cinders!" Before she could think or even blink, she was captured in his embrace and swung in a circle. He laughed exuberantly and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose; all of this was done around her tightly woven scarf, which, apparently, was not a significant disguise.

Despite herself, she began to laugh. "Winslow! What are you doing?"

He smiled and placed her back on the ground, but kept his arms tight around her. He whispered, "I thought I would never find you."

Mariette's eyebrows bunched together. "You weren't supposed to. You're making it very hard to be honorable."

"Let me take care of myself," Winslow murmured. "What on Earth are you wearing?" His eyes roved over her body, and she blushed. They settled on her face. "And why are you hiding?"

She looked down. "I'm not anymore. I suppose you've found me, haven't you?"

"Finally," he whispered, and unraveled her veil. Before she could ask why, he kissed her.

The kiss was such a surprise that at first she did not return it. Then she wound her arms around him as tightly as they would go and pressed into his lips. It wasn't like the brief kiss she had shared with Alex; it wasn't even like when Winslow himself had kissed her so long ago. They were all grown up now, and it was a very grown-up sort of kiss. It went on and on, and though Mariette had not had much experience with kissing, even she knew it was of a very good sort. After a very long while, she pulled away unsteadily.

When she opened her eyes, he was watching her, and smiling a little. He whispered intently, "It's about damn time," and pulled her once more against him.

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