The Opening

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I know everyone out there has heard of "creepy pastas" and the demon-like things they are, but has anyone took the time to do real research about them? I don't think so, because people are still blaming us for their children's mistakes. We don't care for the name out of all honesty, but dose bother us is when facts are over looked and filled in with lies, by cringe worthy teens. how dare they?  Isn't this a good way to start this book? Hint the sarcasm. I don't care what people think on here. They don't know me in real life , they don't what the hell I've been through.I'm losing my mind.  they can't know me. I don't even know me. 
     I'm tired..
We are all tired...
I feel dumb.
Don't we all.
What am I doing?
What are any of us doing?
That's what it seems.
You, me. yourself, Myself.Us,I.

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