Up Date on My Life.

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One at a time. I type for a chance to get faster. It's told that it will help with my typing skills. I'll move faster. swiftly, more accurate. All things that will help me move forward in my skills of the computer typing . For a Medical Administrative Assistant ,I type a lot in a short amount of time. I must, for it will help me improve in my future life choices. My spelling , grammar , and speed will all help me do better in life. Typing is fun and using correct grammar can show someone important that you are well educate and professional.

   I am still to this day expanding my skills in different professions. When I was 13 years old I got a Graphic Designing certification. At the age of 14 I got a Corollary Art's Certification. When I was 15 I got a Law and Justice in my back round. At the age of 16, I was working on a Physiology back round. I never got to finish my physiology class, but I plan to go back into the studies. I also got a Facility maintenance certification. All I want now is something in the medical filed and Teaching training. I'm also going to be working on getting my physiology classes in . I don't know what but the brain still has so much that needs to be figured out about it.         

I expand my training for different jobs so I'll have a better chance in getting a job. I made it this far and I can't stop now. I have people I can count on for help ,but I call for them when I hit rock bottom . I haven't hit rock bottom, if anything, I'm gliding over the pit to rock bottom. I have to much I want in life ,and I have to many looking up to me . Most of all I have a long way to go until I'm able to help my family out. I can not stop. I can not give up ,no matter how much I want to. I will not let them down. Even if it cost my life ,and my crown.

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