Chapter 2

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The compound was stirring. She would be waking soon. Standing, he stared down at her, curled tight in the center of the bed. It was a defensive position, but the creases in her face had smoothed and her brow was free of worry, free of fear. Brushing a strand of hair from her cheek, he smiled. She said that he had helped, simply by being here. It was a pleasant feeling.

With a last wistful look, Vision turned for the door. Was this regret? Strange to think that it could be caused by something so simple as the passing of the hours. Time could hurt, but he hadn't truly understood until now.

Stepping into the hallway, he turned to find Sam Wilson, The Falcon, returning from his morning run. Wilson smiled amicably, but when he noticed Vision's hand on the door, his eyes went wide.

"Good morning, Mr. Wilson."

"Guess it is. That's Maximoff's room, isn't it?"

He inclined his head. "It is."

"That's... new."

"Not entirely. I have enjoyed her company for four nights now."

Before Wilson could reply, a door down the hall opened and Colonel Rhodes strode toward them. "Something going on?"

Wilson grinned. "Just a little walk of shame." When Rhodes failed to comprehend, he jerked his head toward Vision and the door.

"Oh. Oh."

Vision looked between them. "Shame? Is that what I should feel?"

"Nah, man." Rhodes gave him a hesitant pat on the arm. "Good for you."

"She says that I help her sleep."

Wilson nodded. "I've got a few tricks for that, too."

"Wanda has suffered terrible nightmares since she was a child. They have been worse since... the events in Sokovia. As I do not require sleep, I have offered to watch over her."

"So you just... watch her sleep?"

He nodded.

Rhodes shared a look with Wilson. "Kinda creepy, but okay."

"Though Mr. Wilson does make an interesting point. Perhaps a release of endorphins would..."

Rhodes raised a forestalling hand. "What he meant was--"

"I am familiar with innuendo, Colonel. I do have access to the internet."

Wilson chuckled. "Is that what she wants?"

"I... am not certain. Last night she... she woke and asked if I would hold her."

"And did you?"

"Of course."

"Nothing else happened?"

"She... kissed me." It had been brief, an impulse born of sleep, one he doubted she might even remember in the morning. But it had not been unpleasant.

"See?" Wilson grinned and elbowed Rhodes. "So how was it?"

"She said that I was... cold. Though I suppose I could increase my body temperature to a level that she will find more appealing."

"Oh yeah, gotta regulate the body temperature. Basic stuff, man. If you ever need any advice, y'know..." Wilson slung an arm around Vision's shoulders and nodded at Rhodes. "I'm just saying, you probably wanna come to me. Not this guy."

"Hey! I do alright. And we're Avengers now. You ever told a girl you're an Avenger?"

They were laughing at him, he knew, but it was not cruel. These were his teammates, his friends. As the Colonel's cheeks darkened, he almost laughed himself. But time, as ever, would not wait. He turned away, making for the kitchen.

Rhodes called after him. "Where are you going?"

"The advice is appreciated, gentlemen, but I have a breakfast to make." Glancing behind him, he smiled. "Ladies do like breakfast, do they not?"

Shaking his head, Wilson smirked and watched him go. "The android's got moves. Didn't see that coming."

"I have moves, too, you know. You know how well that Sokovia story plays?"

"Sure you do, man. Sure you do."

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