Chapter 14

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"It is an impressive facility."

"Yeah." Stark kept pace beside him, ushering Vision into his laboratory. "I've got a few backups. You never know when someone's gonna come along and trash one."

"I am sorry about that."

He waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about it. Making a mess is part of the fun."

The words were lightly spoken, but as his eyes scanned the room, Vision was thinking not of his explosive birth, but of more recent actions and the mess that he had made. It hardly seemed like fun. Leaving had been even more difficult than he expected, but Stark had been true to his word. This was not a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. He was not a prisoner. After Stark completed his analysis, he may even be allowed to leave.

Wanda had not been so certain. At least she knew that he had a reason to come back, at least he had had the time to tell her. That much, at least, he had done right.

Stark gestured to a chair and Vision sat. Despite the diagnostic equipment surrounding them, for a time Stark simply stared. There was curiosity in his eyes, an unabashed fascination that seemed to be recording every detail. Vision tilted his head, watching him in return.

"Huh." Eventually Stark pulled up a stool, busying himself with a nearby monitor. "You know, first dates, they never go well."

"You would be the expert. You have certainly been on enough of them."

Stark feigned offense, but he was unable to suppress a grin. "What's that, like a residual memory thing?"

"I do not believe so." Vision inclined his head. "You do have something of a reputation."

"Not even a year old and already reading the tabloids." He tsked. "I'm a happily committed man now, remember?"

"Of course, sir."

He winced at that, snapping his fingers as he turned away. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. initiate body scan." As Vision settled back and let the lights sweep over him, Stark smirked. "See that? No backtalk."

Vision fell silent, watching him work.

"So you and Maximoff, huh?"

"She is... unique."

"Cute, too." He arched a brow. "I'd say it's time we had The Talk, but from what Rhodey tells me, I'm too late."

Vision caught his meaning, but kept his expression carefully still. "We are talking now."

"Huh. A coy robot." Stark shook his head. "Sorry, synthetic humanoid. That is the term, right?"

"It seems... accurate, if not entirely comprehensive."

"Nah. You..." Stark waggled a finger. "You're something special. Unique." He chuckled. "Y'know, you and Maximoff might just be perfect for each other."

The scan winked off and Stark rolled away on his stool to study the results.

"My body is operating at peak efficiency."

"Yeah, got that."

"Perhaps a neural scan would be in order?"

"Why not? We're already off the map here." Stark shrugged, flipping through the readings. Then he paused, shaking his head. "Y'know, it's funny. For a second there, it felt almost like old times."

"I am sorry if my voice causes you distress."

"I'm not distressed. Do I look distressed?" He rolled closer.

"I would like to know more about him, about... J.A.R.V.I.S." Vision met his gaze. "If you will tell me."

"Natural language UI. Kind of an attitude problem. He also kind of saved the world."

"You miss him."

"Who's analyzing who here?" Stark stood, striding to a cabinet. Pulling out a bottle and glass, he poured himself a drink.

"Ultron, I had the opportunity to meet. I know what he was, what he intended me to be. But I would like to believe that that is more than what I am. Perhaps if I were to know more about my creation..."

"Guilt trip? Really?" Stark turned to look at him, a bemused smile tugging at his lips.

"You claim that the name Jarvis is an acronym, but it was also the surname of your family butler."

"If you know all that, why ask me?"

"It is... curious."

"Not really." He shook his head, leaning back against the cabinet. "Jarvis raised me."

"After your parents died."

"Sure." He smirked and took a sip. "After."

"I am sorry for your loss. I have begun to understand what it means to lose family."

"How is Maximoff holding up?"

Vision smiled to himself. "Better."

"Yeah. I'll bet."

"Hey, Stark." Agent Barton stood in the doorway. He was clearly agitated. "We found him."

Slowly, Stark set his glass aside. Vision could sense his surprise, but it lasted only a moment. His expression darkened, his voice growing cold.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah..." Barton hesitated. "But you know we're not the only ones looking."

Stark strode across the room. "Just means we have to get there first."

"And what if Cap gets there first?"

Stark hesitated, then turned back to Vision. "So you really think you understand? You think you know what it's like to lose someone, to have something you know is worth defending?" He was pacing again, shaking his head. "Yeah, my parents died. Someone killed them. Made it look like a car accident. They weren't the first either. And this guy... he's still out there. Steve wants to – what? – pat him on the back? All's forgiven because he's killing the right people now?" He stopped suddenly, looking to Vision. "Tell me that makes sense to you. 'Cause, me? I don't see it."

"No... it does not."

Stark nodded. "Then come help me get this guy."

Vision hesitated. Stark was clearly distraught, but his argument was not without merit. He knew the man they were speaking of. The Winter Soldier's crimes were public knowledge, freshly brought to light with the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the release of their files. Yet every person was entitled to fair judgment. An arrest was the most appropriate course of action.

He stood. "Yes."

"Good." Stark strode to the door. "Wheels up in five. Barton, fill him in."

As they watched Stark go, Barton came to stand beside him. "I think this is about to get a lot bigger than you or me."

"I agree."

Barton glanced around the lab. "So all this is about you and Wanda, huh? That's new."

Vision looked down at him, considering. "I have heard you have a family, that you have experience with..." He hesitated.

"Love? Suppose I do." Barton smirked. "But a girl gets under your skin, most people don't submit themselves for medical testing."

"My emotional state is becoming increasingly unstable. I find myself... restless, distracted. I injured a man... and I would do it again. For her." He stared down at his hands. " I see no resolution. I do not know what to do."

Barton patted him on the back, steering him toward the door. "Well, you could always marry her. That's what I did."

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