Chapter 13

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Stark was waiting for them. As Wanda made her way down the ramp of the quinjet, her shoulders stiffened, her eyes scanning the field. They were meeting in the middle of nowhere, in a wooded clearing miles beyond their base. Of course, Stark had arrived first. He wasn't wearing his armor, but the War Machine was an imposing figure at his side. She saw no one else. The jet that Stark had arrived in appeared to be empty. He wanted them to think they were alone.

Rhodes opened his mask and gave her a thin-lipped smile, but she only glared, staring him down. Instead he looked to the others.

"Anybody else think this is weird?"

Wilson folded his arms. "War Machine's gotta have a war, right?"

"Look, I—"

"Nah, man. I get it. But if shit gets hot, just remember we didn't start it."

Romanoff was scanning the tree line. "Just you two?"

"Figured you'd try to make this a party." Stark nodded in the direction she was looking. "Might have brought myself a little insurance policy. The kind that doesn't miss."

She sagged. "Clint."

"Just doing his job." Stark paced toward them, looking up at Rogers, who hadn't said a word. He gestured to the empty space around them. "But see? No S.H.I.E.L.D. No news cameras."

Steve stared down at him, his jaw set. "Perfect place for a prisoner exchange."

Stark sighed. "And here I thought I was doing you a favor."


"Okay, then I'm doing the Vision a favor." He squinted up at the quinjet. "Where is the prodigal android anyway?"

Wanda had remained at the foot of the ramp, keeping an eye behind her to where Vision waited inside. When he had woken her, she had known immediately that something was wrong. The others' insistence on coming had given her a moment's hope, but none of them had been able to talk him into turning back.

Now she watched him stand, phasing through the hull and floating down to stand beside her. She could have spent the trip arguing, trying to find some way to make him see, but then she had looked into his eyes. A fight wasn't what he needed, not now. He still thought he was coming back, that Stark would just let him go. She knew better. So she would save her strength for when the real fight started.

Breathing deep, Wanda knotted her fingers through his.

Stark looked Vision up and down, his gaze lingering on their hands. "I hear you've been busy."

"In a manner of speaking."

Stark smirked. "That guy whose arm you broke? Already doing interviews. The press is all over it."

"I am prepared to accept responsibility for my actions."

"Yeah? Might not be that simple." Stark glanced doubtfully at the others, forcing a smile as he gestured back to his jet. "Come on then, Big Red. Let's see what's going on under the hood."

Vision turned to look down at her, his expression pained. They had made their arguments last night. That... and more. But it seemed that didn't matter.

He kissed her then, there in front of everyone, holding her for as long as he could. She could hear Stark chuckling. When Vision finally stepped away, Stark patted him on the back and turned to go, but Steve wasn't through.

"Just that easy?"

Stark glanced behind him. "You want to make this hard?"

"I just want to know he's coming back."

"When it's safe." Stark stepped closer. "When I make sure he's not about to go attacking civilians every time they insult his girlfriend."

Steve's smirk was dangerous. "'Cause that would be on you, right? Can't have the face of super-human registration getting his hands dirty. Well, dirtier."

"I'm trying to get out ahead of this. I thought you of all people would fall in line. That's what you soldier-types do, isn't it?"

"There's a difference and you know it."

Stark turned away, exasperated. "I do know something. I know they'll come after you. The whole national hero thing won't be enough. If you don't register, you won't be Avengers, not anymore. The law's already passed. This isn't a fight you can win. There's nothing for you to hit."

"Not until they send you after us. That's the plan, right?" Steve scowled. "If we don't all stand against this and stand together—"

"You know, I didn't think you were actually this stupid." Stark was pacing again, the words coming faster. "I'm trying to help you. I know what happens next." He turned suddenly, pointing at Wanda. "She showed me."

Steve glanced at her, suddenly uncertain. "It was just a distraction. We're past that now."

"Yeah, all's forgiven. Good for her." Stark shook his head, pointing at Vision. "He might have been Thor's vision, but mine? Not so great."

Steve took a step forward and suddenly Rhodes was at Stark's side. Wanda tensed, watching as Sam and Natasha did the same. Vision stood uncertainly between them, but Steve was the first to break the tension.

"It doesn't matter what you think you—"

Stark whirled on him. "I saw you die. You wanna tell me that doesn't matter?" His gaze swept over the rest of them, his wild eyes lingering on Wanda as his voice grew soft. "It was real. And I knew... I could have done something, could have done more." He composed himself, looking up at Steve. "So I am. The best way I know how."

Steve stared down at him, the stiffness draining slowly from his shoulders. "I have your word the Vision won't be harmed?"

"He behaves, so will I."

It wasn't an answer. It wasn't enough. But after a moment, Rogers nodded. Stark turned to go and no one moved to stop him.

Wanda took a step forward, but Natasha lay a hand on her arm. "He'll be back." Her eyes strayed to the trees, watching as Barton jogged out to start the other jet. When he caught sight of Natasha, something passed between them and she tightened her grip. "Even if we have to bring him back ourselves."

Wanda was grateful for that, but Vision was turning away. Shaking off Natasha's grip, she closed the distance between them and threw herself into his arms. He kissed her again, lifting her from the ground.

Somewhere behind them, she heard Steve sigh. "You know there's nothing wrong with him, right?"

It was Stark who answered. "You're basing that on – what? – your extensive experience with artificial intelligence and synthetic tissue growth? I think I'll form my own opinion."

Vision set her down then, looking at her with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. She wanted him to say that he would come back for her, wanted him to promise, but she remembered what had happened the last time she had heard those words. Her chest tightened in sudden panic.

He lay a hand over her heart, as though he could feel it fluttering. Once more he kissed her, final and fleeting. Then he turned and followed Stark back to the jet.

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