Chapter 14

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The full Wizengamot was assembled.

In the center of the room sat a large metal chair. Hermione's heart stuttered when she saw a blond head slumped down in it.

After a moment, she realised with guilty relief that it was Lucius Malfoy.

He was chained in place. Clearly he'd been heavily dosed with veritaserum, words were pouring from his lips and muddling into each other as he spoke.

"—trying to die. My son—Heir—Last of the Malfoys and the Rosiers... going to die. Tried to change his mind—muggle-born—not worth his life... Tried to tell him—not too late. Fucking boy—Fucking noble. Cursed me—Wouldn't listen... What could I do? Waited—couldn't change his mind... Cissa tried—always listened—to Cissa. Wouldn't now though. Waited... Thought—just before. Delirious before dying... I'd go to—muggle-born. Tell her. She'd go. If not—maybe force. He wouldn't be able to—stop himself. Save him—Had to save him. He was trying to die—My son... My son... My heir—He was trying to die..."

"You had no part in the attempt on the life of Hermione Granger?" A witch sitting among the Wizengamot interrupted.

"Stupid—Stupid... Asinine thing—to do. Too risky. Could have killed them both. So stupid. Nearly killed my son. Draco—My son..."

Lucius Malfoy was sobbing before the Wizengamot.

"Do you know how you son managed to manifest as a full-blooded Veela?"

"Shouldn't—be possible. Cissa's father—barely Veela... hardly manifested. We... never bonded. Draco shouldn't have—Don't know. Fucking war. Nearly killed my son. Probably did it."

"You wife has already testified that she gave a portkey to Emeliory Bogfeld the week before, but had no knowledge of Miss Bogfeld's decision to smuggle Miss Granger from the hospital. Did you have any part in it?"

"Didn't know—not until aurors said. My god. So relieved. He'll be alright. My son—My son will live."

"Lucius Malfoy you are cleared of suspicion. You may go," Kingsley said.

Lucius slumped down further into his seat. Aurors moved forward and, releasing the chains, half carried him from the room. The room was packed. The press section was crammed with photographers and journalists.

Hermione felt fury well up within her. She didn't even like Lucius, but she felt indignant on his behalf. The case shouldn't be public.

"The next witness to the stand. Healer Abasi."

The healer strode into room and stood on the witness stand beside the chair.

"Healer Abasi, you have been called in as an expert witness. You've looked over the medical records from St Mungo's as well as Ms Bogfeld's file on Mr Malfoy, what is your professional opinion of this case?"

The healer furrowed his brow and pressed his fingertips together thoughtfully.

"There is very little verified information on full-blooded Veela. However, drawing on what we know of Veela bonding, it is my opinion that Mr Malfoy's full-blooded manifestation was likely accidental."

"How so?" a wizard said, his expression skeptical.

"Based on Ms Bogfeld's notes, Mr Malfoy refused to give into the bond and was on the verge of dying from the suppressed magic. The Malfoy Family has some of the wizarding world's most ancient magical blood. It's likely his bloodlines combined with the stresses of the war are what enabled a quarter-Veela male to manifest at all. There have been noted upticks in bonding rates following the last several wars among all species. When bonding magic is unfulfilled, it builds up, creating a magi-biological imperative to force the magical being to eventually give in. Given his bloodline and how close Mr Malfoy was to dying, he probably had so much suppressed magic that it was sufficient to cause a full-blooded manifestation when he bit Miss Granger."

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