The Switch

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A longing for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past.


*Peter Parker's P.O.V*
Peter woke up with his face staring down at me. Well by Peter's face I mean Spiderman's.

Peter stifled a scream but looked closer and realised it was only a poster.

His fear turned to confusion. He was pretty sure he didn't have a Spiderman poster on his ceiling.

Peter sat up and looked around. Ok this room was definitely not his. Peter's mind was racing. What the hell happened? Kidnap? Alien abduction? Evil scientific experiment?

He was in a typical teenagers bedroom but it was obvious this teenager had money, from the latest laptop on the desk to the designer trainers by the door.

The room was large and painted dark blue. Not the sort of place a kidnapper or Alien would take you to.

As Peter scanned his surroundings, trying to take in every little detail, he caught sight of his reflection and saw Flash Thompson's face looking back at him.

This was definitely an evil science experiment.

*Flash Thompson's P.O.V*
The sound of an alarm clock woke Flash up.

Groggily, he moved his hand around wildly to try to stop the ear splitting noise.

Finally, Flash found the clock and attempted to turn it off.

He felt it shatter under his hand with a loud crash.

"What the heck?" Flash muttered to himself. But Flash's voice wasn't the voice he heard.

Flash sat up too quickly and hit his head on the top bunk.

"Parker?" Flash said dazed, looking around wildly. He was lying in a bed that wasn't his, in a room he didn't recognise.

"Come on this isn't funny" Flash said, his voice wavering.

He stood up to get a better look at the room. It didn't look like any of his friends bedrooms so where was he? And why did he sound like... No that was a stupid thought.

Flash tried to compose himself

He looked up he saw Peter Parker's reflection in a mirror. Both Flash and Peter had identical looks of horror on their faces.

Flash stumbled backwards and stepped on a half finished Lego set. Wincing in pain he thought  desperately

This was all a dream. A very horrible, realistic dream. But it's still a dream.

Flash dared another look at the mirror.

Peter Parker's face was paper white, his hair messy and his mouth wide open but it definitely was Peter.

Flash sat back down on the bed and put his head in his hands.

This is not happening. What even is happening? Whatever it is you've gone mad. WAKE UP FLASH.

He rubbed his eyes. He couldn't stay sat on this bed forever. He needed a plan.


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