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n. the moment you realize that you’re currently happy


Flash Thompson's P.O.V
"Peter I missed you!" The girl said, still clinging onto Flash.

"Morgan what are you doing here?"  Tony Stark asked still sounding shocked.

"I missed Peter, I haven't seen him in ages and I heard Uncle Brucie talking about him on the phone so I hid in the plane" she giggled whilst trying to stand on Flash's feet.

"But the flight was hours how didn't Bruce know you were there?"

"I was hiding and I wanted to be a surprise"

Tony rubbed his eyes "Jesus Christ. I'm going to call Pepper she'll be worried sick"

Mr Stark walked away from the group muttering something unintelligible.

Peter looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it.

Flash didn't really know who Morgan was. He recognised her from Peter's photos and Halkeye mentioned her name in the text message. Apparently she was Peter's sister, but Peter's parents had died a long time ago. So who was Morgan?

Flash could hear screaming coming from Tony Stark's phone, he was holding it away from his face and wincing.

"Can we play a game" Morgan looked at Flash with puppy dog eyes.

She reminded Flash of himself before Thysía died. Young, innocent, excitable.

He wanted to protect Morgan, to shield her from the world. Even if that meant pretending to be her brother.

"Maybe later Morgan" she looked disappointed so he quickly recovered "you need to have a snack first, then me and my friend can play with you"

Peter smiled at him looking relieved Morgan brightened up immediately. "Is MJ here! Can we play hide and seak murder again!"

"Uh no it's not MJ" Flash said slightly disturbed "it's my friend Flash"

Morgan turned and smiled at Peter happily "Hi Flash! My name's Morgan"

Peter waved awkwardly but was spared from talking by Tony Stark who finished his phone call and walked back over to the small group.

He picked up Morgan and said "we need to have a talk about this later little missy, ok?" She nodded "Let's go back inside so we can talk about our er . . . situation"

The small group started walking back to the tower. Flash walked next to Peter "who actually is Morgan?" He whispered.

"Mr Stark and Mrs Potts' daughter"

That's when Flash shut up.

Morgan was the daughter of Tony Stark and Petter Potts. Of course she is. She had stowed away on a privet jet to come and visit her brother. Who just happened to be Peter Parker. The guy Flash had bullied since forever and whose body he was stuck in.

Flash was just glad Peter was too nice to tell anyone about how Flash had treated him because Peter had A LOT of friends who could kick his ass.


Everyone sat in the lab eating doughnuts while they tried to explain to Bruce Banner and Morgan what happened.

Morgan finished licking all the icing off her doughnut before speaking "so Peter isn't Peter?"

"No" Peter said watching the girl carefully to see her reaction.

She nodded "ok then"

Flash wasn't sure why they were telling a 6 year old this huge secret. A 6 year old who decided to hide on a plane just to see her brother who she would be seeing in a couple of days anyway. But Flash appreciated that she just seemed to accept it.   

Bruce looked at the two curiously, "so it definitely wasn't those chemicals you dropped"

Tony shook his head "I checked it like 20 times. It was all pretty ordinary"

"It could be *insert sciencey stuff* or maybe *m0R3 sCi3nc3" but I'll need to run some tests to see"

Tony Stark sat up looking happy "told you Bruce would have the answer!"

He clapped Bruce on the shoulder.

"Well I'm not sure-"

"Yes you are-"

"Can me, Peter and Flash go and play now?" Morgan interrupted

"Yeah go, I need to set the equipment up"

Morgan grabbed the two boys by the hands and dragged them out of the room.

Flash was surprised Morgan still wanted to play with him now she knew the truth. But soon he was sitting on a small plastic chair next to Peter drinking imaginary tea out of a cup.

Apparently Morgan's idea of a nice tea party wasn't the same as the rest of the world's because when she returned from getting "more sugar" she was holding a gun in each hand and started shooting both of them with nerf bullets while laughing like an evil scientist.

"I still can't believe Shuri made you those guns" Peter said while using an enormous teddy bear as a shield. "I'm going to kill her"

Memories of him playing with Thysía came forwards in his mind, but they weren't painful like they usually were.

Playing with Peter and Morgan he realised Something very important.

He was happy.

I wrote some fluff because the last few chapters were quite dark

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out schools been kinda busy at the moment. I have options coming up (you probably won't know what this is if you live outside the UK but it is basically deciding what you do for GCSE's the big exams you do in year 11)

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