Peter's room & Spiderman

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The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.


Flash Thompson's P.O.V
Peter and Flash walked down the corridors of Stark Industries in silence.

It was only just starting to dawn on Flash that he had just met Tony Stark and Spiderman was the guy he bullied for years.

It really make his head spin.

Peter lead him through the penthouse and Flash looked around. For a billionaire's house it was surprisingly unclean. Mouldy take away boxes lined the countertops and abandoned Wii remotes lay on the coffee table along with a ton of games and films.

"You have mario cart?"

"Yeah we have a tournament every Friday" Peter laughed slightly.


"The Avengers and me"

Flash didn't know what to say to that so he looked around for a change of subject.

"Why are there footprints on the ceiling?"

Peter scratched the back of his neck, embarrassed "Yeah, Clint flooded the place again and I left my phone in my room"

Clint as in Clint Barton? Hawkeye?

Why did Peter's life have to be so perfect he got to play Mario Cart with the avengers on Friday's and eat Chinese with them. It just wasn't fair. And he hadn't even gotten started on him being Spiderman.

Flash wanted to punch Peter in the face, but that would mean punching himself in the face.

This shit is confusing.

Peter lead him through a door of the main room and down another corridor lined with doors of either side. They all had colourful, decorated name plates covered with glitter and stickers stuck on them with the occupants name or nickname on it.

Flash pictured a strange image of the earth's mightiest heroes sitting around a table doing arts and crafts.

Peter's room was right at the end of the long row of doors

Peter's name tag was a mess of meme stickers, glitter and star wars stuff.

Peter laughed awkwardly at it and opened the door

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Peter laughed awkwardly at it and opened the door.

The room was quite a lot bigger then Flash's. The walls were painted light blue but that was mostly covered up by nerdy posters.

The floor was full finished Lego sets and books.

Peter's desk hardly visible as was covered in random trash. The pin board above it was full of pictures of Peter with the avengers and his other friends.

While Peter got a air mattress out of the cupboard, Flash examined some of the pictures, he wanted to know who else Peter knew.

He recognised most of the avengers from various news reports. There was lots of pictures of Ned and MJ from school. Flash even saw a photo of Peter and Loki, the guy who tried to take over New York, smiling at the camera.

Flash pointed at a picture with Peter and three other people he didn't recognise in it "who are they?" He asked.

Peter looked over Flash's shoulder "oh that's me with my friends Harley, Shuri and Morgan"

Morgan, who couldn't be more than 6, was sitting on Peter's shoulders. All four of them were laughing.

Flash immediately felt jealous. He hadn't laughed that much since the accident. The accident That ruined his life.

"So. . ." Peter said

"Can you teach me how to web swing" Flash said suddenly. He needed a distraction to get out of his head.

"Sure" Peter rummaged around on his desk and pulled out what must of been his web shooters. "You should have some on your wrists"

Flash looked at his wrists and saw a pair of web shooters on them. How had he not noticed this before?

"We should go to the training room, there's more space"


When they reached the training room Peter asked FRIDAY to make the floor foam so the landings were softer.

Flash's heart was racing. He had been dreaming of being Spiderman and swinging around for years.

Peter showed him how the web shooters worked, then gave him a demonstration on how to do it. Peter landed next to Flash and looked at him expectantly.

Nervously Flash stepped forward and shot a web at the wall, he shot into the air and immediately hit the wall, face first.

Peter winced. "Just relax" he called up.

Flash clung on to the wall and shot another web at the ceiling.

With Peter's guidance he was soon swinging around the training room feeling happier then he had for a while.

After about an hour, Flash's arms were aching. He fell onto the ground a lot harder then he meant to.

Peter smiled at him, and for a moment the atmosphere wasn't tense or awkward but as if they were friends, not bully and victim. But then Peter looked away.

"Better text Ned, tell him everything's ok" Flash handed Peter's phone to him "you better text your parents to tell them you're staying at a friend's house for a bit"

Flash took his phone from Peter but he had no intention of texting his parents. They wouldn't notice if he didn't come back after school. Hell they probably wouldn't notice if he didn't come back ever.

Instead he signed out of his Wattpad, Instagram, YouTube and Tumblr. Peter was to nice to snoop around his phone. But Flash didn't want to take any chances, it would be extremely embarrassing if Peter found out about his Spiderman fanfics, theories, ect.

Peter had mentioned he had a fast metabolism before and he wasn't exaggerated it was barely lunch time but Flash was starving.

"We should get lunch" Peter said seeing Flash's discomfort. "Follow me"

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