Sciencey Stuff

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The frustration of photographic something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist.


*Peter Parker's P.O.V*
That couldn't have gone much worse Peter thought to himself as he knelt by Flash.

From the small amount of medical knowledge he had, Peter knew that Flash would be coming around in a few moments so he had gotten him a glass of water from the tap and waited.

Slowly, Flash opened his eyes
"What happened?"
"You fainte-"
"I know" Flash snapped then his face softened "sorry it's just a lot"

Peter nodded. Flash took a sip of his water "thanks" he said, gesturing to the glass.

Flash had never said thanks to him before. It was definitely a weird experience. Peter stood up quickly, he wasn't fully sure why but he muttered something about examining test tubes.

Peter dumped the contents of the backpack onto his desk and got his equipment ready.

Flash looked around "do you think we can fix the lab?"

"Yeah" Peter replied as he focused his microscope.

A hanging light fell from the ceiling and smashed loudly on the floor.


~le time skip~

"Fluorine" Peter muttered as he wrote the new chemical on the list.

Flash looked over his shoulder and read from the list
"Boron, Lithium, Chloride, Bromine, Potassium, Neon, Sulfate and Fluorine"

Peter didn't really know what he was expecting. Maybe some new alien compound that made people switch bodies. But the elements they found were all pretty ordinary

Flash glanced at the broken test tubes littered around the desk.

"How many people break test tubes?" He wondered aloud.

"We did break like half of them" Peter yawned.

He had spent an hour testing broken glass while Flash was supposed to be cleaning up the lab but instead distracted him with questions about Spiderman and Tony Stark. Honestly it was exhausting.

"When's Tony Stark coming back?" Flash asked for the 4th time that day

"For the last time, 3 days, so we need to fix everything before then"

Peter knew Flash was freaking out as much as he was but they were both trying to keep it together as much as they could.

Intrusive thoughts kept bouncing around his head making it hard to concentrate. He wanted to scream, to make this nightmare all go away. But Peter knew that wouldn't do them any good. So he tested the glass only to find nothing of use.

Why was life so infuriating.

What if he hadn't disabled FRIDAY in the lab correctly? Peter really didn't want to involve Mr Stark. This conference was important and he didn't have time to sort out Peter's problems.

Peter put his head in his hands. Things were going great in his life. MJ and him started dating, he was getting closer with Mr Stark and the rest of the Avengers and Aunt May got promoted.

Why did this have to happen now?

From behind him Flash gasped dramatically and pointed out the window. Peter looked around to see the red and gold of the Ironman suit flying towards the tower.

Oh shit.

If it isn't obvious I know nothing about fainting or science so I made it up.

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