Chapter 10

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Sorry this chapter is so very very late. I'm just very bad at uploading. It's a miracle this story has made it even this far. I know my chapters are short but these are all just part of a whole and unedited so excuse grammar and spelling mistakes. I know the full story line, but I haven't organized the content of each chapter.

Chapter 10

Haroon placed Gobby back in his cage and hung it up on the spiral hook suspended from the ceiling that he had made especially for the bird.

Now that Kiran was gone, the parrot seemed a little less enthusiastic and had taken to silence. Haroon wasn’t complaining. As much as he loved the little bundle of claws and colours, he didn’t favour his screechy voice much.

Locking the cage, he went to fix the bed. He’d always been a bit of a clean freak. Even in his bad days he’d always had to be prim and proper. It felt weird to say, even to think to himself, that he was married. He didn’t really seem to comprehend the fact that someone else could do all these little things for him, like fixing the bed.

He’d just fluffed the pillow and set it down when an unfamiliar ring tone cut through the silence, startling even Gobby who was about to nod off. He went into a frantic squawking mode, his version of panicked cussing.

Haroon took the mobile lying on the cabinet and checked it. The ID read ‘father’. It took less than a moment for Haroon to figure out that the phone was Kiran’s. Hesitating for a moment, he decided that him answering wasn’t going to be an invasion of privacy. Kiran was his responsibility now and her father was the worst threat in her life.

So following that thought, Haroon pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear.

“You wretched girl,” the man didn’t even bother greeting his ‘daughter’ nor did he bother to check who had answered, “Ungrateful brat. What was it that I told you?”

Haroon wasn’t about to give his identity away. So he did what he would do if one of his sisters were pranking him. He put on his best girl voice and hoped that the man would be dumb enough not to recognize the voice as different.

“I don’t know.” God that was the wrong thing to say. And his voice hadn’t had even an ounce of fear in it.

“Don’t know!” Mr Khan’s voice thundered, sending a shot of pain through Haroon’s eardrum, “If you are not home by tonight, I shall come over for you. And I will bring you back home!” He ended the call.

Haroon looked at the silent phone with a scowl. His father-in-law was one rude man. That was no way for a father to speak to his daughter. No wonder poor Kiran was scared for her life. That man had the murderous tone.

Placing the phone back on the cabinet, Haroon looked at the bathroom door. Behind it Kiran was doing her own thing, oblivious to what her father had just threatened ‘her’ with. It was sad really. Not for the first time, Haroon thanked the great Lord that he had been blessed with such an understanding father.

Deciding that his new wife did not need any more troubles, he left the room intending to get her some breakfast. Just for once he would play the gentleman and let her eat in the bedroom. He was breaking his own policy ‘No Eating In The Bedroom’.

As soon as he left the bedroom, his aunt – one of many that had spent the night – grabbed his arm. It was as if the elderly woman was standing outside waiting for him.

“My big boy,” she gushed, planting a cherry coloured kiss on his cheek, “You all grown up. How you?”

It was one of his mother’s cousins. Why she stayed over, he had no clue. She was the kind of woman who basked in money and bragged about life’s luxury. And she was also among those women who had the kind of mentality that made them think that now she was in England, she was all posh and could speak the language.

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