Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It was a week after the wedding that the phone call came. The wedding hype had died down, the relatives had drifted into their own home, families had stopped dropping in to congratulate. There was no communication between the bride and grooms family nor was there any between the new bide and her own. Everything actually seemed peaceful and mellow after the two days.

It was on a Friday. The day was dull outside, clouds gathering in the sky and blocking off the faded sun, giving the firm promise of heavy rainfall. It was only two hours over noon but the dark clouds gave the impression of a mournful evening. A typical day in England.

Kiran had been with her mother in law in the kitchen helping her cook a whole pile of chapattis. Hoor had gone to spend the day at a close friend’s house, and Jannat was in the living room, finishing off an essay she had left too long. The males were in the local Masjid for prayer and were due back any minute.

Kiran had learned that her mother-in-law liked to have the food set out before the males got home. The Aziz family was quite an easy going, easy flowing family and it was not as hard to fall into their routine. Kiran was still shy and a little reserved, but she was fitting in quite easily. And Haroon was the type of man who did not allow her to stand back. He pushed her into everything and almost forced her to interact. It could be quite irritating but she was grateful. Kiran would never have had the guts to approach her new family all on her own.

Her relationship with her husband was going quite okay. There was not much time they could actually spend together. As soon as the wedding was over, Haroon had started going back to work. He woke early in the morning at seven, took a shower, changed and went to work. Kiran had learned to wake up with him to replace his mother on the job of giving him breakfast and fixing a meal for his lunch. He was not very demanding and had the largest appetite. He could consume almost any kid of food as long as it was edible and especially if it was spicy hot.

Haroon went straight from work to mosque and then to madrassah (Islamic Learning Centre) where he was studying Islamic Sciences. It was after half eight that his class ended and he made his way home. Kiran’s new mother had advised her to keep a nice hot meal prepared for him just before his arrival. Then the whole family spent time together, before both father and son left for the mosque again for the Isha prayer. After that everyone did their own thing. That was usually when Haroon sat with all his books and went over his work and when he spoke to Kiran. It was a routine she was getting use to and luckily one her in-laws had welcomed her into.

Kiran had never been naive enough to believe marriage life was perfect. Especially since she had been wed to man who was a complete stranger. She had heard many stories from relatives that complained of abusive or forceful in-laws. Some girls were not even accepted by their new families, and Kiran made sure to thank god that hers had welcomed her with open arms and made space for her in their modest lifestyle. She thanked them every time by volunteering help and doing everything she could to contribute to the family work.

Even though she felt awkward and a little stiff in this timetable of her new life, she had to admit things were flowing a little too smoothly. It was almost scary and she was afraid of something interrupting the balance. Her fears were proven true when the phone call came.

It was not on her mobile phone but on the public house phone and Jannat was the one to pick up the phone and answer. It was not long before she was calling Kiran to the phone, an anxious look on her face.

“Your father,” she told Kiran causing the other girl to pale, “He wants to speak with you.”

Jannat placed the phone in Kiran’s shaking hands and hurriedly left the room.

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