Chapter Two (Mick's POV)

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By noon of my first day of my junior year I am already stressed as hell. I have a poem due next Monday, a science project due Friday, and a full eight pages in my math book due by tomorrow. I'm relieved to have my lunch with Keith, who I haven't seen all day. I scan the cafeteria while Keith fills me in on the conspiracy that Lennon and McCartney are more than just friends.

"I swear, Michael, they're never apart. Look at them now at their table with Starkey and Harrison. Paul's talking to George and John is practically drooling at the man. I don't even think Paul notices!"

I roll my eyes. "Isn't Lennon dating that kooky Asian college girl?"

"That's what he wants you to think."

I huff out a laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I see Pete skipping in. We're almost at the front of the line, maybe we can get our food and avoid him.

"Keith, don't make any sudden movements. Pete can't know I'm here. Lunch is my safe space; I repeat he can't know I'm here."

He snickers. "He can be the John to your Paul! HEY PETE! OVER HERE!"

I give him the death stare. "Fuck you."

Pete grins like a kid on christmas and gestures to the line. "Save me a seat!" He shouts.

The pizza line was larger than Starkey and Pete's nose combined, but I know it was worth the wait as soon as I look at the boy who is about to get his food at the salad line beside us.

"Keith, would you do me the biggest favour in the entire world?"

"I'm not going to kiss you."

"Sit with Pete."

He furrows his eyebrows. "I don't think we have a choice."

"No. without me."

"Why can't you sit with me?"

I do a head nod in David's direction. "I met him in math class this morning and well.."

"Oooh, Mickey's got a crush."

I hit him on the shoulder. "Please?"

We finally get our food and he nods. "You owe me for this, Jagger."

Now I have to find a way to ask David to sit without sounding creepy. I take a deep breath. He's biting his lip and looking around. Hopefully not for someone. He probably has a boyfriend already. How could he not? He's fucking beautiful. And now that he's noticed me staring, I can't chicken out.

"Hey, you want to sit with me?" I choke out. My hands are shaking. He didn't even hear me, he just looks confused. Great.


He's got a very unique voice it's raspy, but yet smooth. It's deep, but a little feminine.

"Of course." Of course? That's a stupid thing to say. Is a 'yes' to hard to spit out? Wow, I'm coming on desperate.

I want to just crawl under the table and disappear, but then he smiles and his teeth are a little crooked and he has little dimples and I can see his eyes are different colors and I feel fine. My hands should be shaking, and my knees should be weak as we sit down together, but they're not. I feel comfortable.

"How's your day been so far?" he says before scooping a bite of salad onto his fork.

Better now that I finally have another class with you.

His face goes red and I realize I must have said that outloud. Way to play it cool.

"Ew, you like peppers on your salad?" I say with a chuckle, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Come on, peppers are like, my favorite food. This isn't going to work out if you do not like peppers."

This isn't going to work out? What is this? Friends? More?

"I don't even think I've ever even had one."

He pushes his tray towards me. "Have a bite of my salad."

"But I don't like salad," I say rolling my eyes.

David groans. I snicker. "Who actually enjoys salad, besides you?"

He ignores the comment and leans back in seat. "So what's with you and Townshend? He worships you like a god," he hesitates for a second before asking, "Are you dating or anything?"

I shake my head. "What about you, are you seeing anyone?"

He shakes his head too, and I'm about to work up the courage to ask him out when the bell rings.

"I have gym next, what about you?"

"Same. I'll throw away your trash for you, and meet you there."

Keith is waiting for me by the bin. "You owe me, I just had to crush a poor guy's dreams. Did you get his number?"

I sigh. "No, but we've got the next class together so I can then."

"You better."

I make it to P.E. just on time, and sit on the gymnasium floor, next to John. David is right in front of me, chatting it up with Iggy. They look like a couple, or at least they want to be. Everything around me sort of fades into white noise. I know the teacher is droning on about the sports we're going to play this year, but I'm zoning out. picking at my nails. What I wouldn't give to paint them like David, without worrying my dad will notice and kick my ass like he did last year. I want to not have to steal my mom's eyeliner and put it on in the boy's bathroom every morning. Hell, I just want a new dad.

I glance up at the teacher who's still managing to keep talking, and looking back down I can't help myself. I stare at David. His orange hair is more gelled in the back, unlike the front with the fluffy two blond streaks. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a dark green sweater, and he's sitting up enough there's a thin strip of skin showing right above his ass.

How am I supposed to pay attention when this is right in front of me?

Everyone stands up and I realize Mr. Holly is putting us in our lines for the year. It's for attendence and warm ups, we just stand in rows alphabetically.

He gets to the J's, and I'm first. I try hide my huge stupid grin when David Jones get's placed right beside me.

I decide to ask him for his number when everyone get's placed. That artsy kid Andy is the last one, and before I can turn around, the bell rings.

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