4: Sleeps

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Tomoe sat on the chair, staring at her dinner plate.

Kakera and Kuzume sat infront of her, eating their food. Kakera look at Tomoe, not making it obvious, eating slowly.

"Hm." Kuzume coughed. "Princess..

Tomorrow Papa wants you to wake up very early, Papa wants to show you something.." Kuzume smiled.

Tomoe looked up, cutting off her daze and look aside.

"Princess?" Kuzume ask. He sounds different. He sounds..


Kakera looks at Tomoe, her eyebrows frowned even more.

"Tomoe, are you sick?" She ask worriedly.

"I..Im fine..

Im excited for the suprise papa." Tomoe smiled, her cheecks seemed force.

Kuzume smiled, eagerly.


The containers, 2 and 6 has reacted." A man walk to the kitchen. Kuzume stands up wiping his mouth with a napkin.

He kissed Kakera's forehead.

"Ill go check that first." He said, standing up and left. Their foot steps sounding the hall until it no longer could be heared.

"Mom.." Tomoe whispers. Kakera look up, immediately. Tomoe look at her sides and titled her head up, looking at Kakera. "I want to free Uncle Sasuke..

My Mother.." Tomoe said. Kakera look at her shock, but so happy.

"Why?" Kakera ask, eagerly relief.

Tomoe looked up and tilted her head side to side, to see if anybody was spying. She turn back to Kakera, her face looking sick, sad. Melancholy. "Yesterday..

I visited him.. with brother Aloy.. I ask him if it's really true..

If I am his daughter.. he told me it is.

And there I hear stories that were unbelievable. Stories that make me doubt that is my real life.. if I never was kidnap.

He told me I have a father..a big brother..and a village as my family.

He told me he was an outsider and he was accepted, with a long story, full heartedly....but I dont believe it.. I cant..

Because I'm not there..I'm not allowed above ground.. Im stuck." Tomoe sniffled. Kakera frowned and stands up, walking towards her. She then knelt beside the chair Tomoe's sitting and hug her, her face laying on Tomoe's thighs.

"We will darling..we will..I assure you, he will show you, and make you believe..

You have a living above this place.." Kakera smiled. Tomoe suck up her mucus and hug Kakera's head." Wait..

What day is today?" Kakera mumbled.

Tomoe look at her, tilting her head. "I dont know..

I think it's the seventh day, Sunday." Tomoe give out a little smile.

Tomorrow Papa wants you to wake up very early, Papa wants to show you something..

Kakera look at Tomoe.

"Tomorrow is the day.." Kakera said, but her face l expressionless, only revealing such Shock and Sorrow.

"Container 2 shows something glitching inside him..

Container 6 shows Tomoe's cells..

It seems like her cells reacted to something." The man said. They were in a very big place.

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