Quarantine 3

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Urdu had sensed something wrong with Tim for a while, his worry that started off at a low hum and then rose to an all out panic, though he didn't outright call her. Sam, as usual, was not wearing her bracelet and after a few moments of terse conversation with one of her seconds, she searched out where Tim was exactly. Knowing the place in question despite never being there, she appeared without her armour, though she was prepared to level the entire building in a blink as she entered the apartment of Timothy's boss.

She smelled the sickness, not that it was a putrid smell, but she recognized the scent of pain, fever, and the acidic tinge to the air from the vomit. Urdu wracked her brain for any knowledge she had of human illnesses and though she could recognize that they existed and their basic symptoms, she honestly had no experience with them.

On the couch, the human woman who was Sammy's friend was huddled in a blanket on her vampire's chest, half dozing. There were the smells of others that she recognized but she observed Tim's boss flick his eyes back towards the hallway and nodded. Taking his cue on silence, she stalked through his apartment until she found what she was looking for, though she let out a low growl when she noticed Sam crying while some person she didn't recognize seemed to be using some rudimentary devices on the witch.

The only thing that prevented her from ripping the vampire apart was the fact that Tim was sitting with Sam in his lap, petting her hair and reassuring her that it was ok. The unknown woman looked up at her and blinked a couple times, frozen.

"Urdu, this is the doctor." Tim murmured softly, before ducking his head down and murmuring to Sam, "Urdu is here, love."

"She... uh... it's a flu, the medication is having a difficult time fighting it, but it has stabilized her fever." The woman finally managed, looking back and forth between Urdu and the two on the bed, "she needs more fluids, or we're going to have to put in an iv."

Sam whimpered and Urdu growled once more, walking into the room, "are you done?"

"Yes." The woman watched her for a moment before shifting around Urdu and nearly fleeing from the room. Not that Urdu cared, focused as she was on Sam who appeared completely delirious, talking about needing the real Tim and real Urdu.

The heat coming off the woman didn't initially alarm Urdu as she climbed up on the bed beside the two of them and slid her arms around Sam's waist, being used to working around fire demons a great deal. But as she felt Sam shiver, she realized that the witch was far warmer than she usually was.

"Hello my love." She murmured, ducking her head to kiss away the witch's tears, summoning power to her and cooling her body, making her hands coldest of all as she slid her hand to the back of Sam's neck and forehead. Urdu couldn't heal, but she could do her best to try and soothe Sam.

"You came home." Sam whimpered, though she remained laying against Tim. Urdu could smell the exhaustion on the woman, who looked far smaller than she normally did. Carefully, Urdu transferred her power into the witch, trying to physically bolster the woman.

"Of course. I'm sorry I took so long. I didn't know you were so ill." Urdu knew it would be petty if she brought up the fact that the woman wasn't wearing the bracelet, though a tremor of frustration ran through her. Not at Samantha. The witch had reasons she wouldn't explain, though every time Urdu was left behind, it grated at her more and more.

"You're here now." Sam let out a soft sigh and relaxed a little more into Tim before her entire body was wracked with violent, painful coughing.

"She throws up everything she tries to put in her stomach." Tim murmured, glancing to the glass of water on the bedside table. "The doctor gave her something to settle her stomach, in hopes she can keep fluids in."

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