Pleasure Ink

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Earth in this realm was dirtier.

Run by humans, the air still smelling like pollution and corruption. People scurrying by thinking that their rat races mattered in the grand scheme of things. It was a nice solace after the past few weeks. Urdu didn't have long, she would be needed soon enough with Baltha still out of commission and the very existence of peace within her world dependant on a few hair brained angels and a very angry Lucifer.

She looked into the mirror and bared her teeth, smirking at the vampire incisors that glinted back at her. Vampires were nearly as carnal as she was, she was comfortable in this form, with its almond coloured skin, long black hair, skin covered in tattoos and luscious curves. Running her hands over her hips, she purposefully ignored the bruising that covered her jaw collar bone and arms. Fresh scar tissue was less noticeable, shimmering to show that they were caused by another demon. The wounds would stay with her, no matter what form she shifted too, until she was fully healed.

Only problem was, most vampires didn't bruise like this. She half debated giving up and just heading somewhere requiring less effort, only to have the front door open with a barely audible shift in the air. She recognized the scent as another vampire. And a baby one at that, less than two centuries old. A regular of her vampire room mate, Timothy was cute for a leech. He smelled different today. Someone had been playing with new toys, it seemed.

"She's not here, Timothy." Urdu murmured, turning away from the mirror and striding across the room, feeling his awareness lock in on her through the open french doors that separated her tattoo studio from the rest of the house. She moved to her work bench and picked up a pencil to continue a commission she had received from another vampire.

She specialized in tattooing the leeches here, having brought the technology with her from one of the other realms and adjusted the formula to work for them. She was a demon, the pain caused by the needle was a rush for her and a lot of vampires had a penchant for feeling it. The pleasure it caused them was also an elixir for her, so it was a win on so many levels.

This puppy had a tough exterior. He worked for an uptight company of vampires that were something similar to enforcers though from what she knew of this world, the humans were trying to wrest control back into their grubby little hands. Still, he worked for an organization that had a code of conduct and a set of moral guiding principles.

She often wondered how he or any of his people would fare in Pretoria. The vampires were different there than they were in this realm. They were vampires and to the core vampires were consistent but the causes, biology, and even weaknesses of the creatures were different in every realm you went to.

"Olivia." He had moved relatively silently to ender her shop and considering that her form was supposed to be a vampire younger than him, he probably would have surprised Olivia had she been true to form.

But Urdu didn't care, she barely glanced to the door to acknowledge the gruff exterior of the man standing there. She had heard the things that he liked with Antoinette. Heck, she had taught the other woman how to do ninety five percent of the moves that kept Timothy coming back.

But they had never really spoken. She was not his Antoinette and he didn't seem like the type to want to do more than the surface layer of pleasure and he definitely didn't look like he had tattoos.

"I don't know where she is, nor do I know when she'll be back. If she's not answering you, take a hint and cool your heels." Urdu allowed her voice to roll with the latina accent, loving the sensual sound of the words as they rolled off her tongue.

"It was actually me who was too busy for her this time." Curt, brusque, professional. He was a soldier who wore his armour to keep the rest of him safe. As a General, she recognized it. It made her heart ache as she thought about the last soldier she had known like Timothy.

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