Chapter Seven: Interview

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Heellloooo readers! Finally an Update!! and then THE GAMES.  Next chapter!! EEEEH. Thank you all so very much for reading, it means a lot :) GUYS MOCKINGJAY PART ONE IS 12 DAYS AWAY. ASDFGHJKL!!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and chapter 8 is on its way! (Hopefully before Mockingjay comes out)  Comments are much appreciated :) Enjoy!

Chapter Seven


"Wow..." I whisper, staring down at the masterpiece created from Zipporah. 

"Again. You people and your lack of words." My stylist purses her studded lips. I raise my eyebrow. "Okay just this once." Her lips curve into a smile. For a few beats, we stand there admiring my beautiful dress. The front hangs in delicate layers just above my knees, while the back cascades down my legs until it brushes against my ankles. The bottom of the dress begins as a deep, almost black color, then slowly fades into lighter blues and gentle greens, until they reach the midsection, where they blend into the sandy colored top of the strapless dress. Even the slightest movement makes the illusion of fragile waves rippling in the water. It is as if I am wearing the ocean.

"Now turn." Zip orders, her tone now serious. Just then Theodore walks in, and naturally, a pastry is in his hand. "Wow..."

"No kidding." Basia steps in behind him, eyes wide in awe. "Hey birthday is coming up....if you, ah, ever want to make me one of those in tux form....preferably accompanied with a scarf....that would be great aha." He puts on a childish smirk. "Or not." he adds quickly after receiving a death glare from the stylist.

Theodore checks his watch, claps his hands, and ushers us through the door into the waiting area behind the stage where Cosmos Fletcher will give a two to three minute interview with each individual tribute. By doing so, this will help Capitol citizens sponsor tributes in the Games. Moments later Lorem joins us, wearing a simple, deep blue silk suit; the effect of rippling water similar to mine.

. . . .

"District One's Female Tribute!" Cosmos's voice booms through the backstage room, and a girl around the age of sixteen straightens and shuffles around the curtains and onto the stage. A large applause welcomes her, the whoops and cheers lasting a full minute—but of course, being the district of luxury, the largest applause is no surprise. The Games Host proceeds to introduce the tribute-Elastine-and asks her numerous questions about her lavish life back in One. I stare at the screen on the wall beside us, where it shows the interview. Although it looks as if Elastine has not worked a single day in her life, she has the eyes of a predator, one ready for anything, one ready to kill. And suddenly I recognize her face. She was the almost abnormally tall girl beside the tribute from District Two who joked about my fish hooks in the training center. With height like that, she could either get struck by lightning or be a complete beast. Hopefully it is the first one...

A small beep penetrates the waiting area, and Elastine bids farewell in a sugarcoated voice to the crowd and takes a seat at the back of the stage. Tyveck, the other half of District One's tributes, enters the stage and manages to enchant the Capitol citizens with his charming, effortless humor. He is going to get sponsors for sure. The thing is with the interviews, is that you have the entire Capitol's eyes on you, let alone the whole country. Unlike with the Training scores, viewers know what mistake you made, what kind of person, (or gamepiece in their eyes) you are, and even the smallest detail could change their minds entirely.

Cosmos Fletcher calls up the last tribute of District Three, and by now I am wiping my palms on my dress from nervous sweat. "You'll be fine." A voice suddenly whispers in my ear. "Just remember to speak."

"Ha. Ha." I raise an eyebrow at Theodore, then at the skinny wine glass loosely gripped between his fingers. "What, no pastry?"

"Ha. Ha." He takes a sip from his glass, then looks at the screen. "You better have something in you, Mags. It's your time to shine." With a smile he lightly shoves me towards the steps leading to the stage. I hear a small beep.

My heart beats like a rabbit's and I bite my lip to stop myself from showing any terror. "District Four's female tribute, Mags Flanagan!" Cosmos opens his arms from the large white scooped chair he sits in. An applause roars from the exuberant multicolored crowd and I carefully make my way to the chair opposite the Games Host. I can just imagine tripping halfway there and having the crowd suck in a large breath, then laugh, and then laugh again when I trip off the pedestal before the timer ends for the Games to start because I was too nervous to pay attention and be blown to smithereens.

I successfully manage to greet Cosmos and take a seat.

"So Mags, how are you liking the Capitol?" Cosmos's mellow yet vociferous voice silences the crowd as if he has blown out a burning match. Theodore's voice comes to me. Just remember to speak.

"Um." A moment of silence. "It's-ah-I like it." I manage. 

"You like it? Does it not meet your standards?"

"No no!" I add quickly. "It-it's amazing! I like all of the color and the energy, aha."

"Ah yes, who doesn't like the Capitol energy, am I right, folks?" The crowd cheers in response. "Now, Mags, what do you think will help you in the Games? Any talents? Strategies?"

No... I think. I search the crowd as if I'll find my answer in the sea of painted faces. Maybe I should just lie, it's not like they know anyway... "I'm good at creating fires and hiding." I can just picture Ben muffling a laugh from behind the stage.

"One more question, Mags." His voice turns serious. "How are you liking the shrimp here?" Laughter jumps through the crowd.

"When I was in District Four, I actually didn't like the shrimp," Cosmos makes a dramatic gasp. "But with all of the Capitol spices and notches in the shrimp it's quite delicious!" I smile, my eyes drifting over the crowd's happy faces. At least I succeeded in one thing.

"Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have, Mags, good luck in the Games!" We stand up and shake hands, and then I retreat to the small group of tributes.

. . . .

I think back to tonight, of the spinning colors and suffocating shouts and cheers. Of after the interviews, when Theodore greeted me with a pat on the shoulder and a small smile. Of during dinner, when Basia "accidentally" hid all of the pastries from Theodore and caused the Mentor to curse wildly and toss all of the nearest liquids onto Basia's freshly styled hair. Needless to say, all of the food ended up on the floor and Basia locked in a closet. Of just an hour ago, when Basia and Theodore gathered me and Lorem with solemn looks on their faces. Tonight was the last time we would most likely ever see them again--I will only see Zip in the morning, and then off to the Games. I remember Basia grasped at first both of our hands, but then just mine after Lorem yanked his away with a deadly growl. Basia, with his damp hair from the wine and his golden teeth, hidden behind trembling lips. Just...please...please be careful. He had said, tears slipping from his eyes. And then Theodore leaned in toward us. My advice: When that gong sounds, run immediately away from the Cornucopia. He paused for a moment, bit his lip, glanced at me and then looked at Lorem. Actually-Lorem, go to the Cornucopia. I don't know what weapons will be there, but get one. And be fast. Mags, if nothing is near you, get yourself out of there as fast as you can. I suggest a part of the arena you know no one will be running to. I brushed off the thought of being offended and glanced at Lorem. A murderous smile had crept onto his tiger-like face. Oh don't worry, I will. He had said. He spun on his heels, but not before giving me a deadly expression, as if saying your next. Basia had clasped mine and Theodore's hands. By then, tears were beginning to roll down my cheeks. Win. For us.

I roll onto my side, close my eyes, and pretend to dream. Of a life without the games. Without a deceptive father. A life where everything thing was fair, where everyone got to choose freely and have a long, happy life with their loved ones by their side. But the world isn't fair. And this is life, whether I like it or not. 

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