Chihiro Fujisaki

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Ok so before we begin, I gotta say something.
Chihiro deserves better.
Change my mind.
Anyway, I actually really love Chihiro (Man I say this a lot don't I?) and I find his innocence really sweet and endearing. But seriously, Chihiro didn't deserve to die. I don't hate Mondo for killing Chihiro, I was just really disappointed. Anyways, onto the chapter!
Chihiro Fujisaki was dealing with the usual. The giant amounts of praise from everyone, whether it's from classmates, teachers, even random strangers that he walks past. They all called him, "Super talented!" and "The cutest girl they've ever seen!" The thing is though, Chihiro wasn't a girl, but a boy pretending to be a girl. The bullying from Chihiro's childhood was catching up to him, and horrible memories from the past had resurfaced. Whenever Chihiro was put in public, he would just push the feelings away, so that it wouldn't distract him from being like how everyone thought he actually was. When Chihiro was in computer, programming, like always, one of the students watching him became fascinated, and started asking him questions about the programming. Chihiro and this classmate would always talk after class, soon becoming amazing friends, since they both shared a fascination of programming. After a few months, Chihiro finally trusted his friend well enough to give them the most important secret that he kept.
He finally told them that he was a boy.
This classmate was, of course, shocked, but that they cared for Chihiro no matter what gender he was. Well, that was a giant lie. Chihiro's 'friend' betrayed him, and told the biggest bullies in the entire school his secret. The bullying started again. Except this time, it was much worse. It wasn't just petty teasing, but full blown violence. Every time that Chihiro left school, he was stopped by the gang of bullies, and beaten, punched, kicked. Nobody could see it thought. Every day that Chihiro walked into school, he had to hide his scars and bruises.
One day though, they took it too far.
After school, the bullies started their routine, but this time, the had a secret weapon: they brought a metal dumbbell from the nearby gym. This was hidden in the leader's bag, going unnoticed by Chihiro. Once they knocked Chihiro down, having him covered in head to toe in bruises, the leader took out the dumbbell...
And hit Chihiro. Right. On. The. Skull.
The hard blow to the skull immediately killed Chihiro, which, despite his bloodthirsty nature, didn't want Chihiro to actually die. The bullies obviously freaked out and dragged Chihiro's corpse behind some buildings, considering the fact that they were hidden in an alley, and left the dead corpse by a fence. A classmate that went to Chihiro's school found his body, and asked if he was okay, considering the fact that they couldn't see the wound on his head. When no answer was given, the classmate shook Chihiro gently, and his body slumped over, revealing the fatal blow on his head. The classmate gasped and went to run away, when an idea popped into their head.
They were going to have some fun.
The classmate grabbed Chihiro's body, and put the hoodie that they were wearing on him. Next, they grabbed Chihiro's arm and slung it around their shoulder, making it seem like Chihiro was alive, just very out of it. When the pair made it to the school, the classmate set to work. They grabbed a ladder from the janitor's closet, and some string, and tied Chihiro's body to his homeroom door. The classmate did this, because he knew that the group of bullies, and this classmate were all in the same homeroom. Next, the used some of Chihiro's blood and wrote the message, 'Blood Lust.' That was sure to scare them. The classmate then took their hoodie off Chihiro and left. When school started the next day, they found Chihiro's body strung up in front of the door like a party decoration. The blood was dried, and his skull was smashed in, causing that fatal wound. The sight of the corpse frightened everyone, and school was canceled that day so that they could investigate the murder. What police thought was a simple suicide was actually a murder. The bullies, including the classmate that started this mess, came clean and admitted to committing the murder. The classmate confessed that they started the situation and that they deserved a harder punishment.
The police arrested them immediately, finding the bloodied dumbbell inside of the bully's backpack.

Hello again! I know I said that last week I would get 5 chapters for every Saturday I missed, but here's the thing: I started this chapter, by fell asleep while writing it. Then, I tried continuing it, but forgot, and there was a big mess so.. yeah.. Anyway I got this out, and my next chapter will be about Mondo Oowada! Then, after that, the chapter that was SUPPOSED to be published yesterday (today's a Sunday) will be about Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Anyways, see ya later my Wanderers!

~848 words~

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